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Dec 23, 2022, 5 tweets

📢Good health news from across the world🗺️

Congratulations #Malawi🇲🇼 for being 1st country in Southern Africa and #Vanuatu 🇻🇺for being 1st Pacific Island to eliminate Trachoma, saving many from lifelong blindness.

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WHO travels deep into #Venezuela’s🇻🇪 rainforest to reach indigenous ethnic groups and administer thousands of vaccinations for polio, measles/rubella and COVID-19 -- going where few can go to support remote communities.

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@pahowho @PAHOCaribbean WHO helps Ebola survivors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo🇨🇩to overcome stigma, denial of health care and persistent mental and physical difficulties.

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@pahowho @PAHOCaribbean @WHOAFRO @WHOUganda WHO makes strides in the Eastern Mediterranean region with life-saving tuberculosis services in #Libya🇱🇾, mobile cancer palliative care in #Morocco🇲🇦, and stronger hospital systems in #Palestine 🇵🇸.

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With the @UHCPartnership, WHO delivers support to advance universal health care in the #Bahamas through a primary health care approach, translating into regulations that ensure safe and affordable #COVID19 vaccines and treatments

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