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We report about #Syria, #Kurdistan, and #Turkey

Dec 23, 2022, 33 tweets

#Paris: An armed attack took place on the Kurdish Cultural Center in Paris, the capital of France, 2 people were martyred and 4 people were injured.

The terrorist responsible for the attack were reportedly arrested by police.

Le Parisien newspaper said a 69-year-old man opened fire on a group of people at the Ahmet-Kaya Kurdish cultural centre on rue d’Enghien in the French capital’s 10th arrondissement.

#Paris: Update: According to local media, another person succumbed to his injuries and was martyred. At least 3 others still injured and 1 of them still in critical condition

#Paris: Kurds gathered in the 10th arrondissement of Paris to mourn the victims

#Paris: Reports says the 69 year old alleged a Turkish gunmen, had been arrested back in early 2021, when he attacked a Kurdish man with a sword, in the same area of the 10th arrondissement of Paris

French politicians give their condolence and solidarity with the Kurdish community in #France.

"The security of our Kurdish allies must be guaranteed"

"The racist extreme right must be neutralized"

"10 years ago almost to the day, three Kurdish leaders were assassinated"

Member of Parliament for Vienne, Sacha Houlié: "I condemn the heinous racist attack which claimed the lives of several people in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Thank you to the police and firefighters who quickly arrested the far-right terrorist and cared for the injured."

#Paris: Moments before the terrorist was arrested by French Police

#Paris: Update: One of the victims of Paris terrorist attack was Mîr Perwer, a Kurdish singer.

#Paris: Footage of the Paris armed the attack. The footage shows how the terrorist was overpowered in a barber shop and his weapon removed.

#Paris: Clashes between Angry Kurdish protesters and French police in Paris.

Medya Haber TV Journalist, Mahir Üzmez: The streets of Paris have turned into a resistance (serhildan) area

Streets of #Paris now

KCDK-E calls on Kurds to take to the streets urgently in response to #Paris terrorist attack

"Let the whole world public know that this killing is not independent from the policies and encouragement of the Turkish state which turns Kurds into a target for genocidal policies..."

#Athens: The Kurdish people in Athens, #Greece, demonstrate in response to the Paris terrorist attack

#Germany: Large demonstration are expected tomorrow in 19 German cities, including Bielefeld, Dortmund, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Freiburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Berlin, Kiel, Siegen, Giessen, Darmstadt, Oldenburg, Frankfurt, Dresden, Hannover, Stutgart, Hamburg, Bremen

#Paris: Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP): Not revealing all the forces behind the murder of 3 women in Paris 10 years ago and not punishing those responsible paved the way for another massacre in Paris today. France must immediately enlighten all aspects of this racist massacre

Co-chair of the European Greens, Mélanie Vogel: "It is high time that an anti-fascist awakening take place in France"

#Paris: French Media: 5 police officers were injured after clashing with Kurdish protesters

#Paris: French President Macron said on Twitter: "The Kurds of France have been the target of a heinous attack in the heart of Paris. Thoughts for the victims, for the people who are struggling to live, for their families and loved ones."

The "Kurdistan Women's Organization" said that Turkish fascist state carried out the terrorist attack in Paris, and promised to hold AKP/MHP accountable.

KCDK-E called on all Kurds to attend the demonstration to be held in #Paris at 12 o'clock local time tomorrow.

KCDK-E: "Everyone who is in favor of democracy and freedom to participate in the European central protest march in order to raise the fight together with the people of Kurdistan against the terrorist attacks of the fascist Turkish state"

KCDK-E: "No matter where the attack comes from, necessary action must be taken knowing that the planner and implementer of this attack is the dictator Erdogan regime. "

KCDK-E: "This massacre, which is a part of the all-out genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people, should once again show to all European countries and institutions, especially the French government, that Turkey will not stop if they do not take a stand against these killings."

KCDK-E: "French state was an accomplice in the massacre, and that the murders of Sakine Cansız, Leyla Şaylemez and Fidan Doğan in Paris in 2013 were not fully clarified. The anger of the Kurdish people against these attacks and massacres has grown."

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