Seth Frantzman Profile picture
Middle East security analyst, Phd, author of #TheOctober7War bylines @Jerusalem_Post @BreakingDefense adjunct fellow @FDD Exec Dir @MidEast_Center @GulfIsrael;

Dec 27, 2022, 10 tweets

🧵 of photos and videos of the waterfalls at the Dead Sea after the rains. The flooding creates spectacle, first some flooding of roads on the way

Next some photos of rain near Ein Bokek; these areas don’t get a lot of rain over the year. The area needs water though as the Dead Sea is shrinking

This waterfall is at the Salvadora stream

More from the Salvadora

Video of the Salvadora

Another waterfall

This one was beautiful

This one called Wadi as Sammara on the map

Truly amazing #nature

This is the area of my photos and video

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