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Dec 28, 2022, 18 tweets

As we celebrate #OneWeekofKenyanBooks, here are some must-read Kenyan books to add to your reading list for 2023. After all, charity begins at home. #KenyanLiterature #books #reading #NuriaStore

Power Politics and Law by Prof. Githu Muigai

The book is a study in political science. In tracing the powers and politics that have influenced our country’s constitutional change.



Making Cents by Waceke Nduati

Making Cents is based on these lessons coupled with stories from other real people's experiences, failures, lessons learned, and their eventual success with personal finances.



Unplugged by Jacob Aliet

This book traces the origin of the steady decline of the man’s role in the family. It also seeks to help men understand female nature, revitalize masculinity.



Business Conquest by Ian Dennis

The Business Conquest takes you on a journey based on real life stories and case studies of Kenyan entrepreneurs with Business Nuggets from a Business Coach.



Away from Victory by Zachary Oguda

“If you want to find out why coaches of the National side pick certain players and not others for national duty, this book is for you,”



The Havoc of Choice by Wanjiru Koinange

This book reflects on the corruption that blighted Kenyan culture at that time. Also explores what the course of national healing and rebuilding might look like going forward.



The 7Ms of Moneyship by Erastus Muthura

The Book is meant to empower you by sharing 7 pillars to personal financial management.



Kill me quick by Meja Mwangi

Kill Me Quick is the experiences of Meja and Maina, two youths who have come to the city with the hope of bettering their lives.



Lords of Impunity by Rasna Warah

The book debunks the myth that the United Nations is a club of equals committed to preventing wars and protecting the rights of the world’s most vulnerable people.



The Big Conservation Lie by Mordecai Ogada and John Mbaria

An excellent account of the current state of wildlife conservation in Kenya — and how it came to look like it currently does.



Presidents Pressman: A memoir by Lee Njiru

A book about the truthful account of State House affairs which demystifies the untold stories and the customary characteristics associated to it by the public.



Promises Broken by Joe Khamisi

Review of Uhuru’s life with special emphasis on his ten-year tenure as president. It narrates his achievements and his failures including his failure to curb corruption and impunity.



Beer Pressure

Outside of the University walls lies a totally different world. It is a world of unchecked freedom. A world where beer flows freely, immorality reigns supreme, partying is a way of life.



50 Memos to Men by Silas Nyanchwani

The major strength of this book is the scope of issues affecting men explored by this book. Indeed, the memos touch on nearly all issues the modern man is facing and provides solutions.



Man about Town by Silas Nyanchwani

Most of the essays are about women. And parties. And clubs. And most importantly, they are about Nairobi. The book is Man about Town. The man is Silas. The town is Nairobi.



The Cortexide Mission by Isaac Ndolo

With a setting in East Africa in the wake of the last century, the plot of the book takes a unique trajectory, creatively exploring the political conspiracy



Lessons from the Streets (Vincent Ogutu)

Would you like to see where money gets an unusual velocity or perhaps its flow? Look no further than this book.



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