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๐Ÿ“ง ๐ŸŽฎ DeFi maxi #Curve #Vyper #Llama As seen on @Leviathan_News

Dec 29, 2022, 12 tweets

Dec. 29: 2022 Year in Review ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”Ÿ
Top Ten Best Events in Crypto this Yearโ€ฆ

Our least popular opinion: 2022 was a great year for #cryptocurrency

Here's why, in a convenient Buzzfeed style listicle.




The bear market and liquidity outflows forced builders to up their game. @LiquityProtocol's Chicken Bonds executed this perfectly.

An inspired concept. Just the right amount of artistic flair. Fun to watch. Perfection!โ€ฆ


9๏ธโƒฃ Donโ€™t Step on Snek

Python #web3 tooling took exciting steps forward this year.

* Hot @vyperlang Summer
* Rise of @ApeFramework
* Launch of Titanoboa

Check the recent @PyChainConf for hours of videos covering all the development:โ€ฆ


8๏ธโƒฃ @TornadoCash Pushback๐ŸŒช

You may not see the silver lining in blatantly unconstitutional sanctions and the odious arrest of an open-source dev.

Yet we're encouraged by how the community rallied.

We didn't forget.

We forced changes.

Keep the pressure up!



7๏ธโƒฃ Big @VitalikButerin Energy

A good general knows how to rally their troops.

This photo brought joy to a dispirited community, dominating the timeline for days.

Nonstop belly laughs. Lost frens returning from McJobs to join the fun. It never got old.

A+ Leadership!


6๏ธโƒฃ Do Over

Try to imagine the world where @terra_money survived. The toxic influence of "safe" 20% yield. LUNAtic trash talking.

We recognize the pain it caused. Yet we still believe it's an unqualified good $LUNA collapsed, clearing the room for better projects.


5๏ธโƒฃ $crvUSD White Paper

The impending stablecoin loomed large over the year through periodic leaks.

The 0-to-1 concept even lived up to the hype.

What really sold it was the inspired showmanship of dropping it amidst the @avi_eisen / $AAVE eventโ€ฆ


4๏ธโƒฃ FraxBP

It's difficult to pick a single "best" event from the @fraxfinance activity... $frxETH, FraxLend, FPI...

Yet the success of FraxBP stands out in particular.

The base pair emerged from the 4pool fiasco to reshape @CurveFinance volume.


3๏ธโƒฃ @arbitrum Season

How amazing has the L2 performed this year? The $GMX token was nearly the only asset on planet earth to post a gain.

Not only has the stellar year cemented Arbitrum as the epicenter of innovation, it's also fueled the L2 scaling narrative. Bullish!


2๏ธโƒฃ @SBF_FTX Arrested

Worse than any price action this year was brainlet puff pieces penned about the fraudster after the FTX collapse.

It almost seemed the con artist would skate.

Fortunately, the arrest restored a sense of justice and sanity to the universe.


1๏ธโƒฃ The Merge

It would be difficult to overstate the enormity of the technical achievement, all of which was executed flawlessly.

The #Ethereum Merge was an historic event years in the making. If you stuck around this year, you got to be a part of it.


We know highlighting triumphs of the year may be tonally out of step with the current mood.

Just think tho, if this much good happened in a bad year, what might 2023 have in store?

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