Olga Onuch (Онух) Profile picture
Professor Comparative & Ukrainian Politics @OfficialUoM Author Zelensky Effect. PI @IBIFUkraine Prev @HURI_Harvard @NuffieldCollege @politics_oxford @uoft

Dec 31, 2022, 12 tweets

Not a dry eye in the house. @ZelenskyyUa gives one of his most powerful speeches this year and that says a lot. «Ми туть!» «we are here» #UkraineWillWin #2023UkraineWins

Incredible NYE speech by @ZelenskyyUa families weeped

NYE speech #Zelensky talking the civic unity of #Ukraine why #UkraineWillWin

NYE speech #Zelensky explains that all Ukrainians are in this together and are unbreakable

NYE speech #Zelensky is breathtaking

NYE speech #Zelensky demonstrates his strength as a leader. He talk about not HIS accomplishments but those of every single Ukrainian. “Everyone of us is the front” he says. #SlavaUkrainii #StandWithUkraine

And of course I meant «ми тут» незнаю як цей м’ягкий знак мені там знайшовся ;)

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