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Jan 12, 2023, 8 tweets


Treasurer of @MassGOP Patrick Crowley just emailed all members of the state committee that he has reported apparent multiple violations of campaign finance laws by the current party leadership to the state agency, Office of Campaign & Political Finance (OCPF).

All involve a surreptitious $53,000 p.i. investigation into the sex life of Gov. Maura Healey that was authorized by @JimJonesMA in Oct. when Geoff Diehl was already hopelessly trailing the Democrat, by 30+ pts.

Evidence Crowley turned over to cops includes emails from Jim Jones Lyons telling p.i. to deal w/special PAC set up by Lyons' pro-life pals that got huge $$$ from Republican Governors Assn.

Here's the group, run by Anthony/Antoine Nader, a developer from Milton. He threw in $75,000. Failed Congressional candidate Rick Green chipped in another $25K.

Here are some payments by group: per OCPF records:

Ironically, Lyons in feb. sought legal opinion from OCPF as to whether he & GOP candidates could interact with PAC's like Nader's.

Lyons was told no, in no uncertain terms.

And yet, according to Treasurer Crowley, Jim Jones Lyons went ahead & did it anyway.

Related question: what did Geoff "DoorDash" Diehl know, & when did he know it?

#mapoli #dumpjimjones

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