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Jan 14, 2023, 8 tweets

1\ Activists daring to raise the Palestinian flag at the #Israeli pro-democracy demonstrations tonight were at risk of assault by both the police & fellow protesters who think that "democracy to all" is too controversial & outrageous.

2\ Here, a pro-democracy protester blocks the Channel 14 cameraman from filming the Palestinian flag in #TelAviv. The protester then accused the cameraman of assault.

3\ Israeli pro-democracy protesters were forcefully preventing a protester from waving the Palestinian flag at the Azrieli Junction #TelAviv.

4\ Another Israeli pro-democracy protester is yelling at a fellow protester who dared raise a Palestinian flag.

The demonstration's slogan was "Freedom. Equality. Probity of governance," but maybe equality is not for all!

5\ In #Jerusalem, the #Israeli police rushed to confiscate a tiny Palestinian flag from an activist at the Israeli pro-democracy demonstration, then escorted him to the police point.

6\ The Israeli police assaulted the activist who raised a tiny Palestinian flag at the Israeli pro-democracy demonstration in #Jerusalem to call for "democracy to all."

7\ In #TelAviv, the protest organizers brought hundreds & hundreds of Israeli flags to make sure they flood any Palestinian flags raised at the pro-democracy demonstration.

The demonstration calls for "Freedom. Equality. Probity of governance"!

PS. Per @grapesofwhat & @TribunusPlebei, the 2nd footage shows the protester in yellow preventing a cameraman from the extremely right-wing Channel 14 from filming the activist with a Palestinian flag. She's confronting him for being a propaganda channel.

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