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Subvertisers confronting corporate persuasion architectures. Hacking space, place, brands and psyche.

Jan 16, 2023, 10 tweets

Subvertising teams across Europe have taken aim at #Toyota and #BMW for misleading adverts and anti-climate lobbying. 400 car billboards have been hacked and replaced in 14 cities. ✊…

#BeyondZero #BanFossilAds #BrusselsMotorShow / 1

2/ #Toyota attempt to #greenwash their brand through their advertising agency @and_partnership about being "#BeyondZero". In practice, they aggressively lobby against climate legislation in the US, Europe, Japan and Australia


@and_partnership 3/ Here's a #BeyondZero Toyota ad in a british newspaper in April 2022. At the same time as this ad was running, the company were threatening to pull their manufacturing plant from Burnaston (near Derby) if the UK government didn't water down their Net Zero transport targets.

4/ "Advertising for the end of times". In 2022, UK automotive advertising was responsible for 69 million tonnes of carbon emissions; 20% of the UK's total emissions in 2021 (via @PurposeDisrupt)☠️

Artwork by Michelle Tylicki. Installation by Brandalism in London. #BanFossilAds

📢 "They are calling on governments to introduce "tobacco-style" advertising bans on environmentally harmful products, such as SUVs." via @BrusselsTimes

#Adbrake #BanFossilAds #ClimateCrisis…

6/ "Today, Tomorrow, Toyota" ☠️

Art design by Hogre. Installed in Brussels.

7/ Car adverts talk green, but push sales of massive SUVs that drive up emissions and clog up urban streets.

PS. @T_Extinguishers we heard you have an answer for those? 🖤

Artworks by Lindsay Grime + FakePlasticNation (L-R)

8/ Across the London tube network, spoof ads for Toyota & BMW mock car firms' advertising tropes of domination, greenwashing & general corp-speak.

Designs by @darren_cullen, @fokawolf & Lindsay Grime (clockwise), installed by @XRLondon activists.

9/ A hijacked bus stop ad in Brussels summarises the climate policy of Toyota and their ad agency, @and_partnership.

Artwork: Anon. Installed by activists @XR_Belgium & @SubvertisersInt.…

@and_partnership @XR_Belgium @SubvertisersInt @Toyota 10/ Big love to all the crews who went out in the January rain to remove, hack & replace ads in Brussels, London, Berlin, Stuttgart, Paris, Nantes, Ghent, Bristol, Derby, Glasgow, Norwich, Brighton, Exeter & Reading ✊🪜🦺…

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