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Jan 17, 2023, 27 tweets

The Kool-Aid Kronicles Part 14:

This is @JimLyonsMA, a/k/a Jim “Jones” Lyons, crackpot chairman of @massgop. He has almost single-handedly destroyed MA GOP in 4 short years & now wants another term to finish off the party once & for all.

He’s up for reelection Jan. 31. Despite not having won a single big race in 4 years, he’s still supported by a band of zombies who want him to continue running GOP as a suicide cult, a la Jonestown.

If you’re on @massgop & don’t guzzle the Kool-Aid, you might soon have a P.I. snooping into your background. Even though @massgop is broke there’s still $$$ for P.I.’s, one way or another.

Today, let’s consider more lost souls who refuse to abandon the sinking Jim Jones Lyons. Like Lyons, almost none could get elected dog catcher, only to @massgop.

These are the serial losers of Jim Jones Lyons’ Kool-Aid Cult.

Meet Rich Baker, age 63, of West Newbury. He has the usual electoral record, losing every time he runs for almost anything except state committee.

2008 Congress, lost, 29.5% of vote.

2016 Governor’s Council, lost, 42.8% of vote.

2018 Governor’s Council, lost, 36.3% of vote.

When you’re in Losers Club, you hang out with other losers, like millionaire John Kasich fanboy Rick Green of Pepperell, another failed Congressional candidate, 2018.

Like DoorDash Diehl, Greene also failed at getting elected @Massgop chairman. He lost to a Quincy lounge torch singer.

Rick Green likes to have his photo taken with other losers from the Kult. Here he is with Kathy Lynch, age 60, of Westford, failed state rep candidate.

On election day, bands of losers sometimes gather together to hold campaign signs for themselves & other bust-outs like Lyons.

Or they go to other losers’ campaign events. Does Rich Baker ever think to himself, “I really know how to pick ‘em, don’t I?”

When Baker was with Charlie Baker, he could even get elected to town office – assessor.

Now he has to rely on divine intervention, but if you’re with Jim Jones Lyons, not even going to church to pray will save you. (God told him, sorry Rich, you’re still a loser.)

This is Baker’s female counterpart on the committee, Amanda “I’m losing just as fast as I can!” Orlando, campaign manager of hapless loser Geoff “DoorDash” Diehl.

Here’s Amanda with a friend named Russell Morris. Morris is due back in state court in Salem Jan. 26 on charges of forcible rape & indecent assault & battery of a child under 14.

(P.S. We didn’t have to hire a p.i. to find this out. We called the Essex DA. It’s public record.)

With Baker & Orlando working the grass roots, MA GOP in 2022 lost 2 House seats in their district (formerly held by Lenny Mirra & Brad Hill), as well as 1 next door (Jim Kelcourse’s).

“All three gone?!?! Great work, Amanda! Mr. Lyons will be so proud of us! His plan to reduce the party to zero is working to perfection!”

Meanwhile, in the run-up to Jan. 31 election, Rich Baker continues to try to ID & reach out to potential new recruits for the GOP’s Kool-Aid Kult.

Meet Todd Taylor, age 55, of Chelsea. He’s not just in the Kool-Aid Kult, he’s on Jim Jones Lyons’ payroll like he’s a private eye or something. ($18,000 for “outreach,” as the party has shed 30,000 statewide members under Lyons’ lunatic leadership.)

Here’s Taylor’s record of losses:

2014 state rep, lost 31.9%.

2015 Chelsea City Council, lost.

2017 Chelsea City Council, lost.

2022 state rep, lost, 27.3% lost.

Here Taylor is with Donnie Palmer, a new recruit who’s off to a splendid start as a Lyons loser, getting crushed for Boston City Council at large in 2021 & then running up a whopping 15.2% of the vote in losing ’22 Congressional fight to Squad leftist Ayanna Pressley.

Somehow Taylor got elected to Chelsea City Council, then was destroyed running for state rep last fall. At left is his campaign manager, Paul Ronukaitus, age 67, another Kool-Aid Kultist, from Winthrop.

Wrinkly Ronukaitus loves Jim Jones Lyons because he’s the first person who ever bothered to return Paul’s phone calls.

Todd’s wife Regina is also in Kool-Aid Cult, so M/M Taylor represents 2 votes Jim Jones desperately needs in his failing campaign.

That’s Regina Taylor on left as 7 members of Losers Club get together for another photo op.

Wonder how much “outreach” Lyons will pay for Taylor if he’s reelected. More or less than Jones’ P.I.’s get for probing not-insane members of @massgop?

“Stop Us Before We Lose Again!”

Do you know the worst thing about being in Jim Jones Lyons’ Kool-Aid Kult?

You never win a single election. Not one.

The best thing? You don’t have to worry about having P.I.’s sniffing for dirt in your private life, like what’s happened to members of party’s not-insane caucus.

Meet James Dixon, age 68, of Waltham.

2010 state rep, lost, 26.2% of vote.

2011 state rep (special election), lost, 32.2% of vote.

Jim has a way with dogs. With voters, not so much.

Coming Thursday in the Kool-Aid Kronicles... here’s a hint.

#Mapoli #dumpjimjones

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