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Jan 18, 2023, 13 tweets

Breaking: A Georgia state trooper was shot by a militant near the Atlanta #Antifa-linked autonomous zone. Officers returned fire, killing the gunman. Last month, the @gbi_ga charged 6 militants there with domestic terrorism & other violent felonies.…

.@jail_support has been using Twitter to raise money for the violent Atlanta autonomous zone (@defendATLforest) where authorities say militants engage in domestic terrorist crimes. Today a comrade there died in a shootout with @ga_dps. An officer requires surgery in hospital.

The Georgia governor has issued a statement about the deadly shooting at the Atlanta autonomous zone where an officer was shot & a militant was killed in the returning fire. #Antifa

Breaking: Far-left groups are calling for deadly vengeance against police as payback for one of their comrades getting shot dead near the #Atlanta autonomous zone. They link to their list of @ga_dps officers & other cops they want to be murdered. #Antifa


Pittsburgh #Antifa propaganda group @PghAutonomy is calling for deadly violence against police & others after one of their comrades was shot dead after shooting a @ga_dps officer outside the #Atlanta autonomous zone. #StopCopCity

Craig Toennies, who runs @OLAASM & raises money on @Patreon, is directing comrades to the call for deadly violence against police.

Far-left group @unoffensive112 is sharing the call for deadly vengeance against police over the shooting death of their comrade at the Atlanta autonomous zone. The militant shot a state trooper before being shot dead by returning police fire. #Antifa

The Florida cell (@fla_ylf ) of the violent #Antifa group, Youth Liberation Front, has put out a call for violent vengeance after their comrade was "martyred" in a shootout against police at the #Atlanta autonomous zone.

Seattle #Antifa group @black_anarcho is calling for comrades to carry out violent attacks on police (@SeattlePD) on Friday, Jan. 20. The group suggests using fire or explosives in the attacks.

Many far-left extremist accounts on Twitter are urging their comrades across the U.S. to connect with their affinity group (AG), a term to refer to the local cell, in order to carry out acts of violent retribution against police.

Portland Antifa member Alissa Azar, who has open violent felony criminal cases in several jurisdictions, is promoting a vigil tonight at Alberta Park at 7:30 pm PT for the deceased militant shot dead at the Atlanta autonomous zone after shooting a trooper.

Far-left accounts defending the domestic terrorism occupation at the Atlanta autonomous zone say it doesn't matter if an officer was shot first. They believe they have the duty and justification to kill any of their targets. #Antifa

A propaganda media group for the Atlanta autonomous zone has released name of their deceased gunman who was shot dead yesterday after shooting & severely injuring a @ga_dps state trooper. They say its name is Manuel Teran (they/it) & that it was also known by alias "Tortuguita."

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