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Jan 18, 2023, 14 tweets


@massgop Treasurer Patrick Crowley just emailed entire membership of @massgop a package of documents re: the disputed $53,000 bill from a private investigator who was hired by @JimLyonsMA to conduct pre-election investigation into sex life of now-Gov. Maura Healey.

After receiving voluminous records of emails & correspondence between the p.i. & Lyons, Crowley has amended committee’s financial filings with state OCPF to indicate that party is on hook for the oppo-research probe.

Lyons has denied that he approved deal to probe Maura Healey’s sex life, but emails indicate otherwise. Emails also show that Lyons also had much correspondence with head of local Independent Expenditure PAC. This is the PAC that Lyons told the p.i. would pick up the tab.

Such interactions among party, PACs &/or candidates are prohibited under state law. Lyons sought opinion in Feb. 2022 from Office of Campaign & Political Finance (OCPF) as to legality of such communications & was told they were prohibited.

But these emails released today by Crowley indicate he disregarded OCPF legal opinion.

Below are a small selection of the documents in the Maura Healey probe released by @massgop treasurer:

Feb. 6 2022: Here, Lyons acknowledges receipt of memo from p.i. re: rumors about AG’s office.

Feb. 16: Lyons schedules meeting w/Rick Green, one of his $$$$ men & Dennis Galvin @massgop & former MSP, to discuss proposed snooping on Maura Healey.

Oct. 6: After delay of several months, probe is on again in early Oct, with GOP candidate Geoff Diehl 30+ points behind Healey in polls. In this email, p.i. lays out to Lyons how probe will be conducted – female employees first. 522 ex-employees in the mix!

Oct. 8: Here’s update from p.i. to Lyons on making “educated decisions about who may have the information we need.” Ref. to “mutual friend” may be to the guy with the IEPAC in Milton who’s supposed to pick up the tab for Lyons.

Oct. 13: This email shows Lyons stopping the Maura Healey project he claims he never started!

Next page, that begins from jim lyons.

Oct. 17: Lyons says he will forward p.i.’s bill to “Tony Nader,” the Milton developer who runs the IEPAC Lyons isn’t supposed to have any contact with under state law.

November 4: Lyons goes silent on his p.i.’s after running up this huge bill, now at $53,000-plus.

Much, much more coming on this. This is just a tease.


#mapoli, #OCPF, #dumpjimjones

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