Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 Profile picture
Baby beginner painter trying something new. Deliberately, thoroughly, and indecently defiant.

Jan 19, 2023, 18 tweets

Before it goes down the memory hole, these are the comments to a 17 year old girl who was showering when a man walked in naked. She was understandably upset. Understandable to most of us. Here are some of the choice replies to her.

This seemed to be a common theme. Dozens of comments about her looks.

Former YMCA employee.

Weaponizing her tears is a common theme.

And for anyone who didn’t see the video in question:

Remember, this is a teenager. All those comments were said to a teenager.

Are we allowed to say the word? This is ______ing. This is teaching girls to ignore their boundaries.

Lest it truly needs saying: no man has a human right to see young girls naked.


Part 2:

“Whether you are uncomfortable or not is irrelevant” says the adult human male who enters ladies locker rooms.

See the story below for an update on who walked in on the naked 17 year old. See above for the comments to her.

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