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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Jan 19, 2023, 9 tweets

Breaking: Multiple violent suspects have been arrested & charged with domestic terrorism following the deadly shooting involving their comrade at the #Antifa-linked #Atlanta autonomous zone. They're all from out of state.

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Atlanta autonomous zone suspect Sarah Wasilewski, of Pittsburgh, was charged w/domestic terrorism & aggravated assault of an officer. On Twitter she followed Filler Distro, the group calling for murder of cops over the shooting.

Atlanta terror suspect Matthew Ernest Macar, of Pittsburgh, was charged with domestic terrorism & aggravated assault of an officer. He has a master's degree from Penn State & worked as a senior data analyst for @ACACompliance.

Atlanta terror suspect Spencer B. Liberto, of Pittsburgh, was charged with domestic terrorism, aggravated assault of an officer & more. He has a long history of leftist radicalism & is in a relationship with fellow terror suspect arrestee Sarah Wasilewski.

Atlanta terror suspect Geoffrey D. Parsons, born Feb. 15, 2002, was charged w/domestic terrorism, aggravated assault of an officer & more. He went to the autonomous zone at the "Atlanta Forest" from…

Atlanta domestic terror suspect, Timothy A. Murphy, born May 27, 1997, of Rockport, Maine, was arrested at the autonomous zone occupation. The far-left occupiers call themselves "defenders" of the "Atlanta Forest." #AtlantaForest #Antifa

Atlanta domestic terrorism suspect Christopher Reynolds (born April 25, 1991), of Dayton, Ohio, was arrested at the #Atlanta autonomous zone on Jan. 18. #StopCopCity…

Terror suspect Teresa Yue Shen traveled from Brooklyn to #Atlanta. She graduated from Barnard College & worked as a journalist at @Reuters & was a production assistant for @CNN. Shen was previously arrested at another riot in NJ.

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