Paul Maidowski Profile picture
Solar PV, climate policy, bamboo consulting & sales. Language, systems. Fletcher/Fulbright. d|e|f|i|中 围棋

Feb 1, 2023, 6 tweets

1. The shock of 2020: we learned a pandemic can strike US out of the blue.

We worried climate would lose the little salience we'd won in 2019 and worked unpaid overtime for months/years to link both to deeper socioeconomic problem structures.

System dynamics + #syndemic theory.

2. The shock of 2021 was Omicron: we learned how eagerly people dismissed it.

Spoiler: we then pissed away one year telling ourselves it was "mild", "a natural vaccine", "we were lucky"; rather than taking preparations for SARS eradication, which would work just like in 2003.

3. The surprise of 2022 was seeing the last #ZeroCovid countries like New Zealand, Taiwan and China remove protections even though they everyone who was remotely interested and science-literate knew what would happen.

The real shock is: No one has a plan.…

4. China still stands out. What will be the surprise of 2023?

Please log back in in a year to find out. Have a good novel year everyone!

5. In the meantime, look out for y/our children. Man, I grow a white hair every time I need to repeat this. 🫠

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