Dr. Simon Goddek Profile picture
"The most canceled scientist." PhD in Biotechnology. Hardcore Libertarian. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer. Contact: simon@sunfluencer.com

Feb 2, 2023, 25 tweets

1/ Three years of destroyed economies, social isolation and deep social splits call for another anniversary ⬇️𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱⬇️ to celebrate the RT-qPCR manuscript by Christian Drosten (@c_drosten) & Victor Corman (@vmcorman), submitted on 21st Jan 2020 to @Eurosurveillanc.

2/ Before this publication, virologists were neither treated like superstars nor considered icons or half-gods. In 2009, Drosten almost succeeded in installing the false premise virology could supersede holistic medical sciences as discussed in this thread.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.280…

3/ Drosten is a virologist. He neither has any background in epidemiology nor has he ever worked in the civil service. He also doesn’t have an experience in public health. Yet he affected our daily lives to the level of whom to trust, meet up with or how to flush the toilet.

4/ Before January 2020, Drosten and Corman were common virologists at Charité Berlin, whenever they were not involved in economic implications (bit.ly/3nT0OWs). They also looked at coronaviruses in dromedary calves in the Middle East or Africa. 😍 #cute

5/ Finally, in January 2020, a "groundbreaking" paper was released that set the foundation for the mass RT-qPCR testing we rely on today. This work earned its author another well-deserved recognition, the German Federal Cross of Merit.

6/ The manuscript was rushed through every approving authority at @Eurosurveillanc. Prior to the submission, it was already sent to @WHO with the prospect of being approved in any case. Big-data analyst @waukema visualised this phenomenon at @tableaupublic.public.tableau.com/app/profile/au…

7/ Being part of the editorial board at @Eurosurveillanc has been advantageous for @c_drosten & @c_reusken to reach the one-day-peer-review ‘milestone’, even though they might have been excluded from the process. So far, providing the process protocol is being refused.

@Eurosurveillanc @c_drosten @c_reusken 8/ I tackled the challenge of the peer review process head-on in a captivating substack post, where I delved into the dangerous traps that science can fall into in this particular scenario. drsimon.substack.com/p/how-scientif…

@Eurosurveillanc @c_drosten @c_reusken 9/ It's worth noting that Drosten hasn't been active on Twitter since 2016. Yet, on January 23, 2020, just as the pandemic was starting to grip the world, he suddenly resurfaced (with just 770 followers) to promote his publication. Coincidence or a carefully crafted PR campaign?

10/ On 9 Jan 2020 Drosten’s #overconfidence reached a new high by complaining that the correspondence to @NEJM did not cite his freshly published paper. Instead, the authors chose to refer to his protocol-design pre-release on @WHO.int (13th Jan 2020).

11/ Drosten aimed for an RT-qPCR protocol design, which could serve as a “robust diagnostic methodology”. However, the protocol design and its factual scientific precision somewhat resemble Russian roulette (concerning false positives; see below). archive.is/jh7T8

12/ Back in 2009, Drosten already followed a similar approach when he created a PCR test for the swine flu (H1N1). Regarding the question of why it is crucial to do so much testing if the strain is mild, he answered: “Because we remember the 1918 outbreak.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…

13/ As mentioned in the introduction tweets, PCR testing (in 2009) already caused a pseudo-epidemic that was stopped by @wodarg and 13 other European parliamentarians as reported by the following @nature-article. nature.com/articles/nbt03…

14/ The @nature-paper also states that “it is disturbing that a rogue politician [...] can create such mischief for the @WHO and drug industry, despite virtually no evidence of wrongdoing. @wodarg was the prime mover behind the fake pandemic outcry.“ web.archive.org/web/2020101116…

15/ Despite his track record and great merit, @wodarg is heavily discredited by German media and fact-checking blogs such as @Volksverpetzer (i.e. the German low-tier version of @snopes). deutschlandfunk.de/schadensersatz…

@wodarg @Volksverpetzer @snopes 16/ In 2014, @c_drosten gave a striking interview for the German business magazine @wiwo. His statements back then are in contradiction with comments he made in 2020. Let’s take a closer look at what he said in this particular interview. wiwo.de/technologie/fo…

@wodarg @Volksverpetzer @snopes @c_drosten @wiwo 17/ As you can see, Drosten's statements since 2020 have been exactly the opposite of what he used to say. So where did this change of heart come from? 'Corruption' is the only explanation I got.

18/ To understand this, we need to go back another year. In May 2019, Drosten participated in a conference of the then-ruling German party @cducsubt on "strengthening global health". The guest list is noteworthy when considering the events of 2020.

19/ Remember these people from the Fauci Emails? What a coincidence again! In my opinion, it is quite remarkable to invite a virologist (with 700 followers on Twitter) who was prevented from causing a “fake pandemic” (sic! @nature) to such an exquisite and influential group.

20/ We have no idea what happened during that conference or why Drosten was even invited in the first place. All we know is that he helped fuel the pandemic several months later by publishing that very paper and doing the exact thing he heavily criticized in his @wiwo interview.

21/ It's also crucial to point out that COVID wasn't classified as a pandemic until March 11th, almost two months after the Corman-Drosten paper was peer-reviewed in a record-breaking time.

22/ It's the following measures that led to a Casedemic:
1. Eliminate symptoms from "diagnosis"
2. Mass test asymptomatic (thx @c_drosten)
3. Define PCR-positive tests as Covid19 cases (thx @c_drosten)
4. Repeat ad infinitum
5. Et voila! Casedemic served! (thx @c_drosten)

23/ All of this info was publicly available. To this day, Drosten has faced no consequences for his actions. I consider him to be the worst German since a certain Adolf H. He's a ruthless narcissist who, in my opinion, will stop at nothing, including stepping on dead bodies.

24/ Since then, the Vitamin D-denier @c_drosten has mostly retreated. He only occasionally crawls out of his rat hole to promote booster shots or similar things. In my opinion, Mr. Science™ shouldn't be allowed to get away with this so easily. We must not forget!

@c_drosten 25/ Because without him, there would be no Casedemic and thus no millions of lockdown and vaccine deaths. Our freedom also wouldn't have been severely curtailed. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but one day they will reach @c_drosten. There will be no escape for him! #TheEnd

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