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Feb 4, 2023, 13 tweets

Today is #WorldCancerDay

Few diseases reflect global inequities as starkly as #BreastCancer and #CervicalCancer.

Nearly 8⃣0⃣% of deaths from breast and cervical cancer occur in low- and middle-income countries.

#CloseTheCareGap in #cancer ⬇️

On #WorldCancerDay, here are some ways to reduce ↘️ your #cancer risk:

🚭 Don't use tobacco
🏊‍♂️ Exercise regularly
🍅 Eat healthy foods
☀️ Avoid strong sunlight for prolonged periods
🥃 Drink less alcohol


Today is #WorldCancerDay

These are the 5⃣ most common types of #cancer:
🔸 breast
🔸 lung
🔸 colorectal
🔸 stomach
🔸 prostate


LaVerne was diagnosed with breast #cancer in 2018. She is a #BreastCancer survivor, a mother & leader in her community.
“I just wanted to deal with it the best way I knew how. Deep down, I just wanted to put all my energy into living.”

Watch her story:

It’s #WorldCancerDay

#Cancer cases are increasing ↗️:

In 2040, it is predicted that the number of new diagnoses of cancer will be nearly 50% higher than in 2020.

The greatest increases will be in low- and middle-income countries.


#VaccinesWork to help prevent #cancer:

✅ Human papillomavirus (#HPV) vaccination to protect against cervical cancer

✅ Hepatitis B vaccination to protect against liver cancer


At the age of 26, Laura Brennan passed away from #CervicalCancer, a vaccine-preventable disease.

"The #HPV vaccine saves lives. It could have saved hers."

Bernie and Larry narrate the heartbreaking loss of their daughter.👇

The #HPV vaccine is highly effective.

It can prevent 9⃣ out of 🔟 cases of the most high-risk strains of HPV – the number 1 cause of #CervicalCancer.

Yes, #VaccinesWork!


It's #WorldCancerDay

Screening is an important element of comprehensive #cancer prevention and control.

When was the last time you did a cancer screening?


Many cancers can be cured if diagnosed early and treated appropriately. Strengthening early diagnosis and increasing access to treatment improves the chance of survival for millions of people living with #cancer.



In 2009, Helena 🇬🇧 was diagnosed with #cancer.

"My hopes for the future for everyone with NCDs is that they're valued, involved in planning their own care, have a louder voice to policymakers, they're more involved right from the beginning.”


It’s #WorldCancerDay

Lack of access to #cancer care reflects the inequalities & inequities of our world.

Comprehensive treatment is reportedly available in more than 90% of high-income countries, in low-income countries it is less than 15%.


Where you live should not determine if you live.

On #WorldCancerDay and every day, let’s ensure everyone around the world has the same chances of detecting and treating #cancer.

Together, we can save lives.

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