Jim Stewartson, Antifascist 🇺🇸🇺🇦🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
@RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2 Threads: jimstewartson, Bluesky: jim-stewartson, Mastodon https://t.co/ycc97UuQAu

Feb 7, 2023, 8 tweets

Retired three-star pushes Pizzagate psyop to terrify, traumatize and indoctrinate moms into his death cult.

He has been doing the same thing for 6 1/2 years.
What is it going to take?

Here is @GenFlynn’s employee, Kremlin propagandist @tracybeanz Diaz in March 2017:
“Alex Jones will tell you there’s nothing going on at Comet Pizza. That’s bull. There were things going on at Comet Pizza.”

Tracy Diaz is currently part of Elmo’s “Twitter Files” hoax.

Here’s @GenFlynn employee @tracybeanz Diaz laying out a false story that implicates the @NYPD, @NewYorkFBI and @Comey in reopening @HillaryClinton’s email investigation.

This was the month after Flynn was fired for lying to the @FBI about contacting the Russians.

Here’s Kremlin propagandist @tracybeanz Diaz connecting Wikileaks with the fake alternate reality game #Cicada3301 when Assange was leaking #Vault7 documents.

She goes on to discuss an audio file which was named “Q.wav” — six months before QAnon started.

ICYMI, @tracybeanz Diaz was getting retweeted by Russian accounts by April 2017, six months before she helped start QAnon for @GenFlynn.

Here is @RogerJStoneJr on Russian state television in March 2017 discussing the contents of “Podesta’s emails” which were hacked by the Russian government and provided content for Pizzagate.

On the banner you will see RT promoting Wikileaks’ #Vault7
h/t #NinjAnon

Here is @RogerJStoneJr on Kremlin-approved television talking to a Russian reporter and forcefully denying “any contact with any Russians, the Russian government, etc.”

The Russian state media reporter makes a small correction for the record. 😂

Russian state media thinks “it’s clear by now that General Michael Flynn … didn’t saying anything reprehensible” in his secret communication with the Russian ambassador.

Roger pivots to Obama “wiretapping” Trump.
I mean… come on.

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