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American Independent Journalist. Historian. Podcasts: “Hidden History Revealed,” “Strange Bedfellows.” #SpacesHost

Feb 8, 2023, 11 tweets


The Soviet #KGB and American #communists figured out the #JFKassassination a long time before the rest of us did…

Analysis of secret FBI documents declassified in 2017 under the #JFK Records Act: 🗂🗄 ⬇️

On Nov. 27, 1963 Nikolai Federenko, Permanent Representative to the United Nations for USSR stated that the Soviet Union “would have preferred to have #JFK at the helm of the American government… that he tried seriously to improve relations between the US & #Russia.” @Dpol_un

Lee Harvey Oswald “came to the attention of the KGB when he expressed a wish to defect to the Soviet Union.

However, the KGB, after inquiry, decided he was mentally unstable and informed him he had to return to the United States.”

“President Kennedy was held in high regard by the Soviet government … as a person interested in maintaining peace.”

The document goes on to describe the extraordinary cooperation the Soviet Union offered the US government following the #JFKassassination in solving the case.

Gus Hall, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA prompted Soviet officials to question Lee Harvey Oswald’s wife Marina to see if Oswald had any connections to the “ultra-right,” the FBI, or Jack Ruby!


Within days of the Assassination, #Communist publications around the world questioned whether Oswald alone killed #JFK.

the FBI seemed especially interested in discrediting these claims, rather than investigating them!

The FBI is still withholding documents on #Oswald.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian President Yeltsin personally handed Bill Clinton 40 formerly secret KGB documents to American president Bill Clinton on the #JFK Assassination.

Here’s a summary of what those docs revealed: wilsoncenter.org/article/center…

The US government is still denying public access to thousands more #JFKFiles that by law, should’ve been declassified in full 6 years ago.

In Dec. 2022, Biden again delayed the releases for another 6 months, setting a deadline of May 2023.


I’d like to see the American people put some serious pressure on President #Biden to free the #JFKFiles at last!

2023 marks 60 years since President Kennedy’s Murder.

Isn’t it time? 🕰🗂🗄

POLL: if you are American and want the #JFKFiles released in full, please vote.

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