Jorge Álvarez Troncoso Profile picture
Internal Medicine|Systemic Autoimmune Diseases |#Sistémicas|#EAS #EAI #Myositis #Myopathy #MSGB #POCUS #AI #Rare #Immune #irAE #COVID|#USC #APHP #CTO #UAM|

Feb 10, 2023, 10 tweets

#MASTERCLASS. #Capilaroscopia 👈🔬
Dr. Maurizio Cutolo
#25TentopicsBCN 🧵

Progressive reduction of the capillary number reflects disease activity in #SSc

Automated assesment of #nailfold #capillaroscopy

Detection of microvascular changes
- Scleroderma-like pattern
- Comb-like pattern

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