The #GLADIO thread
Do you think that #NordStream was the first US-Terrorist attack against Europe?
Think again.
Let us talk about Operation Gladio, the CIA-NATO operation behind multiple terrorist attacks in Europe, most of them in Italy during the "Years of Lead" (1960–1980)
The #GLADIO thread
Operation Gladio (the "common" name for the US-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism in Europe) is not a "conspiracy theory", but a FACT.
Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed Gladio's existence to the Italian parliament in 1990.
Anti-Fascist rally
The #GLADIO thread
Consequently, in November 1990, the European Parliament published its ‘Resolution on the Gladio Affair.’ which stated:
"...certain military secret services were involved in cases of terrorism..."
They pointed directly at the US, but they did nothing more.
Strictly speaking Gladio was just one of several "anti-communist" paramilitary cells, supposedly designed to counter a Warsaw Pact attack.
But in reality, what they did was pure false flag #terrorism, including:
The 1978 assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro:
The Oktoberfest Bombing in Munich in 1980, which killed 13 and injured 211.
Spiegel: "1980 Oktoberfest Bombing: Did Neo-Nazi Murderer Really Act Alone?"
The Brabant Massacres, which took place in Belgium between 1982 and 1985, 28 people were killed 2, 40 were injured.
(The killers’ proficiency in handling weapons raised suspicions from the start, that there was a link with paramilitary forces)
The #GLADIO thread
The massacre of 85 people at Bologna railway station in 1980
The #GLADIO thread
The Piazza Fontana bombing in Milan in 1969, which killed 17 people
The #GLADIO thread
All these attacks were false-flag operations, blamed upon the left but were carried out by CIA-Trained Gladio units, using military-grade weapons.
1972. Three Italian police officers were killed in the Peteano Bombing, more than 200 left-wing activists were arrested.
1984. It was discovered that the evidence was forgery and that the explosive used was military grade C4 from a #NATO arsenal concealed in Verona.
Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a member of the neo-nazi paramilitary group Ordine Nuovo (New Order) was arrested, confessing the purpose of the false flag attacks; to manipulate public opinion: The ‘Strategy of Tension’
Vinciguerra was just one of many neo-nazis recruited/trained by the CIA
When the police raided the house of Licio Gelli (head of the neo-fascist ‘Propaganda Due‘) they found the 1970 U.S. Army Manual 30-31b ‘Stability Operations’
Gelli claimed that the CIA had given it to him
Alberto Volo, another neo-nazi and Gladio operative, received training by CIA and MI6 operatives in Maspalomas, on Gran Canaria in the 1960s and the 1970s.
In 1951, CIA agent William Colby, based at the CIA station in Stockholm, supported the terrorist training in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.
Several neo-Nazis, like Otto Hallberg were involved.
Fortunately this is a well documented topic:
Suggested reading:
- Ganser, Daniele. NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, Routledge, 2004.
- thesaker.is/operation-glad…
- spectator.co.uk/article/was-th…
- yandex.com/video/preview/…
- medium.com/@ghostpopclair…
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