Sahil Khalifa Profile picture
CWO - Chief Whatever Officer @KGeN_Community / @KGeN_IO 🟩 Building a decentralized future with memes & games

Feb 12, 2023, 15 tweets

Didn't realize it has been a year already joining the IndiGG community 🎉
A year ago, I embarked on a journey, a road-not-taken (traditionally)
#Web3gaming & @IndiGG_DAO have significantly impacted my life & career❤️‍🔥
An engaging🧵👇

(Flashback to where it started)

July 2021: I wasn't particularly interested or fully aware of Web3 gaming.
Until the concept of gaming asset ownership & tokenized economy sparked my curiosity.
Credits to videos by @coinbureau @gameofbitcoin @CryptoTeluguO @CryptooAdy

As I delved deeper into the world of web3 gaming, I got in touch with @VaasCrypto who introduced me to @YieldGuild Discord.
I must admit at first I was perplexed by the idea of gaming DAOs and members devoting themselves to gaming, guiding and educating their mates.
Like why?!🤔

With a little time and patience, I eventually realised its potential and the significance of being an early leader & influencer in the #Web3 ecosystem.
From the likes of @sandeepnailwal @gabusch @SpikeReacts_ @kookoocryptotv @brycent_ & many are here to make a difference

Days ahead while exploring the @YieldGuild Discord I stumbled upon a Gleam
I entered the giveaway to win small $$$ but it ended up being a pivotal moment
My first step into IndiGG Community🪜
(21 JAN 2022)…

Upon entering the IndiGG discord server
(community of just 4000 members at the time)

I had strong intuitions that I found a place where I could stand out and make my mark⛳️

Manifesting my potential future, I gave a shot
Took 4 days to design a custom IndiGG resume
#Ordinals ;)

Soon I met @Shash_blc, who was then single-handedly leading the community.
Shashank was my first & mighty bet on IndiGG.
After a virtual fist bump, we worked together to engage the community, while he pushed me to do things I never imagined I could do.

I volunteered days & nights ideating & hosting events to connect the community.
Eventually, forming a group "Awakened" (cause we're night owls)
What started as a joke soon turned into a serious mission to connect+engage the IndiGG Discord community.
My early supporters🫶

As I continued to contribute to web3 gaming at IndiGG, I fell in love & found my 2nd home 🫶

I took a few difficult decisions:
Changed my career path
Chucked my Master's degree in final year
Spend more time in this space to be an influence...

I took my BIG BET!!!

Shoutout to @Aronbarboza1 helped me gain more visibility within the team.
Support from teammates @Shashblc @Cryptocurious98 @shloked @showreel27 @LegacyofAshes @ayushgupta0610 helped me gain conviction.
Eventually to be onboarded as a Community Manager in August 2022.

(Fast forward)
Industry leaders are taking their own big bets to join & lead IndiGG
Our team has expanded, community grown, missions evolved, richer acquisitions+partnerships; adding promise to the community and the web3 gaming sector in India🚀

Hustling through the best choices of my life, I feel these series of events led me here for a REASON.

At @IndiGG_DAO I fueled my passion for growth, listened to my intuitions, fought my fears, found the right people to grow with & never gave up!

Securing a position at your desired Web3 org is challenging, especially without prior experience.

The ingredients: Invest your time, build skills, volunteer & contribute until you get recognized🌟
👉WITHOUT expecting immediate financial gains

IndiGG is shaping the future of Indian gaming through the power of #web3;
Cultivating leaders across its networks & YOU could be one:

Join our OG Community🤝
Unlock your GG potential🔓
Be an OP Leader⏫

Oh!! Btw here's my teaser ;)
Show some love ❤️
Peace ✌️

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