Joe Murgia Profile picture
I post about UFOs/UAP, consciousness, psi, life after death, Bengston Healing, remote viewing. Occasional politics. I know nothing!

Feb 13, 2023, 6 tweets

1) Wow!

Part 1 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Pentagon Press Secretary, John F. Kirby.

I'll ignore the ET joke and laughter at the top. JFC.

2:58-3:49 Kirby: "The president also instructed the intelligence community to take a……

2) Biden conducted a briefing on UAP in June of 2021? This was him on May 22nd, 2021

3) Kirby Pt. 2: Media Q & A

#uaptwitter #ufotwitter #balloongate #Balloon

5:45-6:26 Why are we seeing more? Filters & gains of radar capabilities have been modified to look more discreetly at high-altitude, small, radar cross section & low-speed objects.

9:22-9:59 Kirby……

4) Kirby Pt.3: Media Q & A

6:26-7:10 Do you have video and/or imagery and will you release it? Kirby: Ask DoD.

8:15-9:59 Differences between Chinese spy balloon vs. other three objects.

5) Kirby Pt. 4: Media Q & A

3:21-5:40 Kirby FINALLY asked about UAP (Our national media SUCKS!).

Reporter: "You started the briefing by talking about the President's involvement in this. The report from @ODNIgov, recently, that goes over this. In that ODNI report, about……

6) Kirby Pt. 5: Media Q & A - Final segment.

4:37-5:14 Reporter: "My understanding is that the top officials in the Pentagon, when asked explicitly if they were ruling out any kind of extraterrestrial presence, said they weren't ruling anything out. And yet, at the beginning of……

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