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Former Law Enforcement reporting on political corruption. Media doesn’t like me. #IRemember the #RobodebtRC⚫️🟡🔴🌈

Feb 14, 2023, 13 tweets

#QT Sussan Ley embarrassingly tries to accuse PM Albanese of scaremongering on interest rates when they went up under the Coalition, but doesn’t realise Albo at the time was quoting her now leader, Dutton.🤦‍♂️
As the PM corrects Ley, even Peter Dutton can’t hold back his grin 😂

Dutton smiles as he looks at Ley, after her horrendously embarrassing stunt, was she put up to it? Or did she pull this one out on her own? 🤔

Speaker Milton Dick, not taking any of Sussan Ley’s shit at the moment, puts her on thin ice 💥 #QT

#QT Paul Fletcher now also put on thin ice, ouch! 😂 Go Speaker!

Milton tells Fletcher he’s on his final straw 🔥

Speaker boots member for Herbert, Phillip Thompson, for being a clown 🥾

Oh and out goes member for Barker, Tony Pasin, too! Booted 🥾
Speaker not taking any shyte from anyone today at all.

Ted O’Brien, shadow climate change minister, kicked out too. 🥾
Go Milton. Throw out the clowns!

Albo drills Andrew Hastie for raising a “matter of public importance” on Labor’s Defence spending cuts the last time they were in government. 🤦‍♂️

Albo: “it’s like the last decade, just didn’t happen!”🔥

Karen Andrews tries to go outside standing orders to Table a document, and gets a little cranky 😵‍💫 when she’s told, it’s not the way to do it #QT

That wraps up my coverage

Now off for kiddie school pick up.
Yay! Enjoy your afternoon. It’s been an electrifying #QT today.

LNP’s Andrew Hastie tells parliament that in 2013
“we inherited a big mess!”

Conveniently leaves out that they quadrupled the mess before handing it back to Labor, 9 years later.

Sorry to break it to you Sussan, but that actually came from your boss.
(Whoops) #QT

Hats off to Speaker Milton Dick today. He kept both sides in order and threw out some rascals along the way. #QT

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