Jonathan Choe Profile picture
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow+Journalist. NEWS TIP:, *Vids branded "DI" represent Discovery Institute. Other views expressed are my own.

Feb 16, 2023, 5 tweets

DONES FINALLY RESPONDS: It appears @KC_RHA CEO Marc Dones is trying to walk back his recent statements about encampment outreach and "permanent housing" as a requirement. He addressed the KCRHA Governing Committee today and NOW says congregate shelters are still an option.……

CALLING ON #SEATTLE MAYOR: Several John Stanford Int. School parents shared more frustrations on @KC_RHA call today saying @wsdot response to Ship Canal encampment is failing. They're now begging @MayorofSeattle to step in and act. But Mayor DID NOT directly respond w/ YES OR NO.

ENCAMPMENT PRIORITIES: Dones+@KC_RHA say they are prioritizing 3 specific encampments in #Seattle right now w/ Ship Canal being one of them. But this is the first time I am hearing the other 2 are in #Chinatown-ID! But he would not say exactly which ones. @MayorofSeattle

CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENTS: Last week, Dones said the budget proviso was specific and required an offer of "permanent housing" before anyone could be moved off @wsdot property. However, no one on Governing Committee publicly called him out for that today.

KCRHA 5 YEAR PLAN SCRUTINIZED: @MayorofSeattle came out strong against current proposed multi-billion dollar plan to fight homelessness. Telling Dones and @KC_RHA to go back to the drawing board on certain aspects. Mayor says he will not support it in current form. #Seattle

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