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Journo, Critic & Disabled Otaku✍️♿ Host of the CultureScape Podcast & YouTube Show👾 People like to talk to me for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Feb 27, 2023, 8 tweets

Okay, I'm now up to the Deathly Hallows films
I think my fav film so far is Half-Blood Prince

it's the most film-like & still balances the "yar a wizard harry" aspect of the series with the serious dramatic tension.

Great film; I would actually watch it again.…

Jim Broadbent plays Professor Slughorn & totally nails the role.

He is actually likable & relatable without the script telling you this is the guy you are supposed to like

He brings in the sense of a deeper philosophical world in Harry Potter & makes it feel more lived-in.

When people talk about the Harry Potter movies & the best talents, they rarely bring up Broadbent,

Usually, it's Gary Oldman or Alan Rickman, sometimes the 2 actors that played Dumbledore

But Broadbent's Slughorn holds my attention & makes me want to see more of that character.

Perhaps because I'm now an adult watching these films, I find his performance more technically impressive than instead of an angsty young adult

Rickman sells the tickets, but Broadbent does not.
But of the two, I like Broadbent a whole lot more.

I love the absolutely awful color grading of this film,
the browns work really well for Harry Potter,

You get some of the warmth of the Columbus films with the serious tone of the later entries.

At the time, people absolutely hated Half-Blood Prince for the emphasis on teenage romantic relationships & SNOGGING (which I didn't know til reading the book was British slang for making out)

but looking back, I find those bits endearing; it makes the characters very relatable

Lastly, I love Half-Blood Prince because this is the one Harry Potter film that treats Ron as he is in the books,

Not just a comic relief, not just Hermoine's punching bag but a 3-dimensional character.

Before this rewatch, I would have told U Half-Blood Prince was of the weaker entries in this series,

& I love what Alfonso Cuarón did with Azkaban; that film is still fantastic.

But I must say Half-Blood Prince is the Harry Potter film I most enjoyed rewatching.

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