BillionAireSon 🛡️ Profile picture
👷‍♀️🛠 @TheRebirth5000 - WealthOfSouls

Mar 1, 2023, 11 tweets


$Grail @CamelotDex Pulled 18X
$Lance is looking to do the same
(Simulation Strategy)

Imagine Being Early to an 18X 🤔

@LancelotTools Gives Your Novels Live and unforeseen Features. Read To Find Out How

A Thread🧵. Like & RT for frens

Lancelot, a novel DeFi platform, with innovative and unseen features.It has a gamified staking, you can join in on challenges and earn digital badges and loot for staking per coins. It's like a treasure hunt in the crypto world!

$Lance rewards their loyal crew with treasures from the trove, It deflationary staking rewards system lets you earn USDC and GRAIL rewards which is powered by a sustainable booty of protocol revenues.

Unlike some other scurvy staking platforms, $lance avoids the inflationary impact of token emissions by using its savvy tactics to reward our crew.


Gamified staking adds a fun and engaging twist to cryptocurrency yield farming.

Just like saying the farm is the game and the game is the farm. (Play games yield farming)


Lancelot has a #ZK swap built in, so within moments for a 0.5% fee (paid to farmers)

Holders outside of inflation get rewarded

So think product revenue, or profit sharing- On @LancelotTools Platform fees from #ZK | Limit & Stop Loss orders on #Camelot | Generalized Swap all go to stakers = REAL YIELD

@LancelotTools #AI tool uses simply data aggregation to sort and rank Camelot dex tokens. Discover new pairs, swap instantly.

Their IDO is currently live on Arbitrum

Link to participate

Thanks for reading
Kindly Like and RT the first tweet for frens to hear about $Lance

Don't forget to give a Follow to @_BillionAireSon and @@LancelotTools for more Interesting updates

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