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Mar 9th 2023
1) Arbitrum has proven time and time again that it's here to stay and not just a hype phase.

Its TVL continues to climb to this day making it the best place for builders and investors.

Here's a list of 5 projects that have yet to explode 🧵👇
2) $ARC

@arcadeum_io is a betting/real yield powerhouse wrapped in a nicely-looking fully on-chain and self-custodial casino.

⏩ Currently sitting at 5m market cap.
3) $ROSN / $ROSX

@RoseonExchange is a gamified multi-chain spot and perp #dex.

They want to make crypto trading more engaging by adding #gamefi elements.

They are really close to launching their token (rebrand) on Arbitrum soon.

⏩ Currently sitting at 5m market cap.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 1st 2023

$Grail @CamelotDex Pulled 18X
$Lance is looking to do the same
(Simulation Strategy)

Imagine Being Early to an 18X 🤔

@LancelotTools Gives Your Novels Live and unforeseen Features. Read To Find Out How

A Thread🧵. Like & RT for frens
Lancelot, a novel DeFi platform, with innovative and unseen features.It has a gamified staking, you can join in on challenges and earn digital badges and loot for staking per coins. It's like a treasure hunt in the crypto world!
$Lance rewards their loyal crew with treasures from the trove, It deflationary staking rewards system lets you earn USDC and GRAIL rewards which is powered by a sustainable booty of protocol revenues.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
The market suffers red today. Some are scared, the others see opportunity.

Just aped in $dsq - @Dsquaredfinance - #DeFi Quant Vault-based protocol built for the crypto-native ETH community. Wanna know why?

Short thread below 🧵 (0/6) Image
In this thread, we will walk through the following parts

1️⃣ Overview
2️⃣ Key Features
3️⃣ Tokenomics
4️⃣ Team & Partners - Roadmap
5️⃣ On-chain Analytics
1️⃣ Overview

- D-Squared is a DeFi Quant Vault-based protocol built for the crypto-native ETH community.

- Delivers managed quant-trading strategies to DeFi-users on #Arbitrum and #Avalanche.

- Aims to provide robust technology security, risk management, and composability.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
1/ With $FCTR launch in the horizon @FactorDAO is not only just hype and bandwagoning real-yield narrative. In this mini visual guide we will see why @FactorDAO is offering the true yield.

#Arbitrum #RealYield
2/ In a crowded market where many projects claim to offer real yields, @FactorDAO stands out by focusing on creating a sustainable business model with a product-market fit, instead of relying on superficial features to attract users.
3/ The main source of revenue for @FactorDAO comes from transaction-based fees, while the platform also earns a percentage of the creator's fees, including management and performance fees.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
Don't miss any opportunities of #CAMELOT DEX that is also on ARBITRUM




#FCTR #Arbitrum #CamelotDEX
For Context,

Onchain asset management allow users to create. manage and invest in custom crypto asset management vaults.

The management pulls different project from different protocol and offer it to their users.

That's is what @FactorDAO offer.
@FactorDAO makes it easy to manage and discover digital assets suitable for any risk profile.

you can mix and match yield-bearing assets tokenized baskets. and derivatives to create new portfolios and indices.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
Where to look for next 100x gems?! 💎

A Thread. 🧵

Drop a follow. Like and retweet if you appreciated it.

More to come, you don't wanna miss them! 👀
AI is and will be trending for a while. Find gems like $IMGNAI or $FET before they pop off. Imo it's not too late to get into the latter.
Look into #SingularityNET or $ALI (artificial liquid intelligence, Mark cuban is invested) and many more, especially smaller
ones not yet categorized by cmc/coingecko. Then there are projects that interact/help out AI like for example $OCEAN for data availability.
I know it is a pain to find and research them well, but it will pay off big! 🏖️🌴
Read 18 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
La segunda parte del hilo está dedicada a Morgana y a su función en la obra. Aquí se relaciona con el antagonista de Gawain, el Caballero Verde. Se podría decir que el señor de la Capilla Verde cumple dos roles, ser el alter ego de Morgana y el brazo ejecutor de sus pretensiones.
No es la primera vez que se plantea este mismo procedimiento en los textos, sino que, en algunos, junto a Merlín y a la Dama del Lago componen una triada, que se ocupan de la vida y de la protección de los caballeros.
Por un lado, Merlín y Viviana/Dama del Lago (representa el elemento acuático celta, aún positivo) se unen contra Morgana, porque sus acciones se encaminan a la venganza, a la lujuria y a las malas artes, como calidad de bruja malvada (Véase el Ciclo de la Vulgata).
Read 30 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
#Morgana: ¿hada o bruja malvada? Esta dicotomía siempre acompañará a este personaje de la #LeyendaArtúrica desde sus primeras apariciones en la Literatura Medieval. Abrimos el primer hilo🧵de @ValleSinRetorno

🖼️ The Beguiling of Merlin, Edward Burne-Jones Image
En @ValleSinRetorno trataremos de analizar el mito de #Morgana, así como todo lo que subyace bajo él: paganismo/cristianismo; virgen/hija del demonio; matriarcado/patriarcado; matrilineal/patrilineal; etc.

🖼️ The Death of King Arthur, James Archer Image
Mediante una comparativa entre los textos medievales y la novelas contemporáneas, conoceremos la transformación del personaje. Desde el primer autor que la cita, #GeoffreydeMonmounth, que la describe como una mujer sabia, la mayor de nueve hermanas, un hada que “cuida” a #Arturo. Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 18th 2019
Burnout 2 : Point of Impact
Nintendo GameCube (2003)
Un jeu de course où l’on roule à grande vitesse sur des axes urbains en évitant le plus grand nombre de véhicules.
Si vous voulez une anecdote personnelle concernant ce jeu, ça se passe sur Instagram : Image
VR Ping Pong
PlayStation 4 (2017)
Un jeu de simulation de Ping Pong en réalité virtuelle proposant 4 modes : Pratique, Solo, Tournament et Arcade.
#1Jour1Jeu #PlayStation #VR #VRPingPong #PingPong #PSVR Image
Darkest Dungeon : Ancestral Edition
Nintendo Switch (2018)
Un mix de RPG et dungeon crawler dans un univers dark fantasy très sombre et à la difficulté élevée, où l’on doit gérer le niveau de stress des héros, leur mort étant définitive.
#1Jour1Jeu #Switch Image
Read 199 tweets

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