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"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Mar 1, 2023, 8 tweets

Leaked emails show Matt Hancock ignored advice to test all people entering care homes during the pandemic

On 13/5/20, I broke the #CareHomeScandal👇

Three years on, these leaks reveal Hancock decided not to make it mandatory to test those entering care homes from the community!

“We stuck to the science like glue” @BorisJohnson

“We were guided by the science. We didn't always follow the science" HANCOCK

Cod behavioural science gave us “behavioural/lockdown fatigue”

Asymptomatic spread was ignored

Many errors were made…but these weren’t ‘mistakes’👇

The NHS is the most trusted brand in the UK

Cambridge Analytica is the least trusted

Yet #Palantir reportedly taught CA how to scrape data

Is the big plan deregulation in order to allow the hoovering up of genomic data to give levels of power & control only ever dreamed of?!

"Right from the start we threw a protective ring around our care homes”

A short THREAD about @MattHancock put together after it was announced he was joining #ImACeleb👇

When @DawnButlerBrent asked Hancock if he was aware of the rprtdly links between Palantir (who run the NHS Covid data store) & Cambridge Analytica, he said:

“ don’t think I was aware of that”

Cummings was also ‘stumped’ by the question👇

“We could close our eyes & pretend that contrary to all the evidence, Palantir is a rights-respecting company or we can call this façade what it is: another company placing profit over people, no matter the human cost” (Amnesty)

I fell into my investigation by chance on 5/3/20

“Minutes are taken”

No PROPER minutes of SAGE/NERVTAG meetings

Summaries of meetings were eventually posted on the govt website

No minutes of #JointBiosecurityCentre meetings have been published

The secretive JCB ran COVID decision-making from May 2020

We know virtually nothing about the #JointBiosecurityCentre

It was first headed by Tom Hurd (MI6), then by Clare Gardiner (GCHQ)

We know that Marc Warner whose FacultyAI runs the COVID data store with Palantir, sat on it

See @DawnButlerBrent & Cummings

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