Sophia Dahl Profile picture
Former military🪖 God is my savior🤗🙏💫 Follow on GETTR: @Dexter1969/ Gab: @sandraknulst69 Not paid for blue mark,so no personal information was given out‼️

Mar 8, 2023, 5 tweets

A little stroll down memory lane‼️🧵
Blast from the past ‼️‼️ 
Anyone remember the campaign to #StayTheFuckHome ⁉️🤔🙏👇

Sean Penn, stating the unv@xed should lose their jobs, their freedoms & rights‼️🙏👇

Lorraine Kelly and "celebrity" Dr Hilary‼️‼️

"Most people do have common sense. Some don't though, some really don't and have to be protected from themselves."‼️🙏👇

Susie Boniface on the Jeremy vine show: "These restrictions are thanks to the anti-v@xers....we should do more to make being unv@xed"socially un@cceptable"... the same as drink-driving"‼️🙏👇

The unm@sked/unv@xed are owed an apology by the World‼️We put up with so much relentless h@te and ridicule‼️
And i think some of the most important thing for us is to remember what happened and learn from it. So that we never let it happen again ‼️☝️🤔🙏
#NeverForget #Freedom

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