1/5 A little stroll down memory lane‼️🧵
Blast from the past ‼️‼️
Anyone remember the campaign to #StayTheFuckHome ⁉️🤔🙏👇
2/5 Sean Penn, stating the unv@xed should lose their jobs, their freedoms & rights‼️🙏👇
3/5 Lorraine Kelly and "celebrity" Dr Hilary‼️‼️
"Most people do have common sense. Some don't though, some really don't and have to be protected from themselves."‼️🙏👇
4/5 Susie Boniface on the Jeremy vine show: "These restrictions are thanks to the anti-v@xers....we should do more to make being unv@xed"socially un@cceptable"... the same as drink-driving"‼️🙏👇
5/ The unm@sked/unv@xed are owed an apology by the World‼️We put up with so much relentless h@te and ridicule‼️
And i think some of the most important thing for us is to remember what happened and learn from it. So that we never let it happen again ‼️☝️🤔🙏 #NeverForget#Freedom
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Thread 🧵 1/ Henry Kissinger in 1992: "The New World Order will emerge, the only question is whether it will arise out of intellectual and moral insight and by design, or whether it will be forced on mankind by a series of catastrophes. That's the challenge if our period; and it makes it – to my mind, one of the most exciting periods in which anybody can live."‼️🙏👇
2/ David Rockefeller admitting Henry Kissinger was his protégé & Klaus Schwab admitting Henry Kissinger was his mentor‼️🙏👇
3/ JohnnyVedmore Speaks about Kissingers Important Role as a Mentor to the Young Klaus Schwab‼️-🙏👇
1/4 Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "The Biggest ☠️ Ever in Medicines History"‼️
"I'm full of vengeance...It's not a time to say I'm sorry, it's a time to put these bastards in jail. I'm calling it the big kill. We've seen the biggest kill ever in medicine's history directly -🙏👇
2/4 -because of the intervention of these idiots into healthcare...It's not just the politicians, it's the physicians themselves who are principally culpable because they have allowed government's jackboots to influence how they manage their patients,-🙏👇
3/4 -which has never ever happened before‼️
First do not harm and informed consent. The physicians - how can you do this⁉️🙏👇
Thread 🧵 1/ The WHO Hopes To Enact Pandemic Treaty in May‼️
Dr. David Martin in a recent interview by Epoch Times warned that the criminally unaccountable organization, the WHO, could have all rights of people handed over to them-🙏👇
2/ - gaining complete control over how countries decide what is a serious health threat and what each country involved should do to respond to it. The WHO hopes to enact the treaty by this May‼️🙏👇
3/ NPR wrote in September that"The World Hopes to Enact Pandemic Treaty By May 2024"which if you are fluent in the language of media is translated "NWO is going to'fake it till we make it'lest we lose credibility and the Great Reset in May."‼️🙏👇
1/4 “If the WHO says lockdown ... then we will lock down.”‼️
Neil Oliver warns against the nightmare scenario being ushered in by the WHO Pandemic Treaty‼️
If you think this is only about pandemics, guess again, the WHO will abuse its power to the fullest extent possible,-🙏👇
2/4 -including“climate emergencies.”‼️
“And so,in the event of something identified by WHO as being climate crisis,then there’s a health emergency right there as far as they’re concerned.And there will be no possibility of questioning and no possibility of any challenge‼️🙏👇
3/4 If they say it’s a health emergency, it’s a health emergency.”‼️
“We in the UK and in all of the member states that don’t opt out are preparing to surrender national sovereignty to an entity funded in the main by Bill Gates,” Oliver continued‼️🙏👇
Thread 🧵 1/ Dr. Meryl Nass About WHO Pandemic Treaty‼️
"A decision was made to create a new document, called a Pandemic Treaty and now it's called a Pandemic Agreement, which talks about the financing of this operation, all nations will have to censor their citizens -🙏👇
2/ -to find out if they're spreading misinformation/disinformation about health and they will be forced to censor them as well as perform surveillance.Every nation will be required to have laws in place so they can roll out vax without license and without any liability...‼️🙏👇
3/ They want your medical records to be shared with the WHO, with the justification that if a whole bunch of people in one area got sick with a weird illness we'd know something was happening, so therefore we want your medical records in real time‼️🙏👇