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Mar 8, 2023, 14 tweets


Full-time shit-stirring gobshite, GB "News" presenter, Rishi Sunak's Tory Party Deputy Chairman & part-time crap MP, #30pLee, thinks ageing far-right Nazi-supporting arseholes are “real salt of the Earth people”. He'll fit Right in at GB "News"!…

People on @Twitter have known all about #30pLee's far-right tendencies for quite some time, as have the @Conservatives - but I understand this is the first time a national newspaper has brought it to a wider public.

Not that anyone would be remotely surprised.

#30pLee was sent for #antisemitism awareness training after being an active member of a FB group in which other members supported Tommy Robinson & promoted Soros conspiracy theories. He also signed a letter using the antisemitic conspiracy theory of "cultural Marxism".

#30pLee described Nazi-supporting members of the Skegby Scooter Club as “real salt of the Earth people” who “make me feel proud to be Ashfield born & bred”. Nathan Bratby, a club regular who has been snapped with GB "News" presenter #30pLee, supports white supremacist punk bands.

Paul Reeson, seen here with a trophy & shaking hands with #30pLee, published a social media post telling British Muslims: “This is England, my England. If you don’t like me, or my fellow English men & women, leave our shores... or feel the wrath of the steel in my hand.” 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️

Facebook photos of Bratby show him in shirts with the logos of neo-Nazi bands Skrewdriver & Whitelaw.

Skrewdriver’s songs include White Power & lyrics praising Adolf Hitler. Whitelaw’s tracks include Fetch the Noose & a song referencing Hitler.

'Compassionate @Conservatives'?

#30pLee has spoken particularly warmly of Martin Dudley, AKA Martin Fluke, who was named on a leaked list of BNP members, & who last week attended a protest staged by Mansfield Against Illegal Migrants - twenty people at a hotel housing asylum seekers, chanting “Out! Out! Out!”

In September, #30pLee's buddy Martin Dudley, attended an annual Scooter rally in a T-shirt bearing an Odin’s Cross & the phrase “No remorse, white pride”. The cross, also tattooed on Mr Dudley’s calf, is an often-used white supremacist symbol.

In one photo with #30pLee, Dudley wears a dark, yellow-trimmed Fred Perry polo shirt – withdrawn in 2020 after it was adopted by the far-right Proud Boys.

“It is unconceivable that Lee Anderson did not know about his past. He needs to distance himself from this odious man.”

David Hennigan, a local councillor said: “It just goes to show how far the @Conservatives have sunk under Rishi Sunak. Lee Anderson is a divisive figure. He has upset foodbank users, nurses, teachers, anyone with decency. I didn’t think the Conservatives could sink any lower.”

The shit-stirring hypocritical gobshite #30pLee has strongly criticised fellow MPs for having second jobs: “I don’t have a second job, I love the job I have already,” he previously posted on Facebook.

Now he has a job as a GB "News" presenter.…

Grotesque far-right arse #30pLee also publicly denounced ex-Cabinet minister Owen Paterson as he faced a row over his second job: “We are paid handsomely for the job we do & if you need an extra £100,000 a year on top then you should really be looking for another job”.

If only!

The massive neanderthal hypocrite #30pLee also criticised Labour’s Jess Phillips after she made a one-off appearance on Have I Got News For You.

“I am sure Jess will donate this huge sum of money to a good cause in her constituency during these difficult times,” he wrote.

Previously on the #30pLee GB "News" shit-show...

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