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Mar 18, 2023, 8 tweets


I've been researching twenty-first century UK non-broadcast 'news' articles featuring #TuftonStreet's ideologically extreme (deregulatory, anti-welfare, anti-union, low tax, free-market) 'think tank' (lobbyist) the 'Institute for Economic Affairs' (#IEA).

Counting articles is a relatively crude measure, but it's clear that the overwhelming majority present the the #IEA as disinterested/neutral, often using IEA reports & spokespeople to help frame or initiate stories. With very few exceptions, the IEA's funders are never revealed.

From 2000-2023, across all print & online non-broadcast UK news outlets, the #IEA is mentioned a staggering 9,175 times - predictably, mainly in Murdoch's, Barclay's, & Harmsworth's "newspapers":

The Times: 1,278
Sunday Times: 424
Times online: 457

The Sun: 379
Sun online: 133

City AM: 875

Daily Telegraph: 719
The Sunday Telegraph: 143

Guardian: 464
The Observer: 70

Daily Mail & Mail on Sunday: 456
MailOnline: 278
Scottish Daily Mail: 216

Independent: 442

Financial Times: 295

The Express: 239
The Sunday Express: 91

Scotsman: 130

Evening Standard: 109
Standard online: 59

i - Independent: 96

Daily Mirror: 93
Mirror online: 45

The National: 43

Daily Star: 32

Metro: 24

A summary search for the "Institute of Economic Affairs" which includes some radio @BBC coverage is revealing - especially in regard to @BBCRadio4 & @bbc5live. ('TVEyes' is a tech company which collects & indexes millions of hours of content per month, which enables searches).

I haven't done a similar analysis for broadcast news, but of the 150+ UK think tanks, it's clear the #IEA receives hugely disproportionate coverage/presence - especially on "impartial" @BBC news & politics shows such as #bbcqt, #bbcaq, & #PoliticsLive.

The graphic at the top of this thread was put together by Jonathan Gornall, & published in the BMJ in 2019.

His excellent investigation reveals how the IEA was (is?) funded by British American Tobacco, & has links with senior conservative ministers.…

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