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Mar 19, 2023, 18 tweets

More #Placentagate πŸ§€πŸ§€πŸ§€

This could be one of the biggest scandals in medicine.

Check this out.
What do you see?

Can you see that there are fewer fetuses in all the treatment groups compared to saline?

It's not dramatic, because the authors published that figure instead of the number of fetal losses.

Look what the Pfizer BNT162b2 animal study showed:

In that study the fetal loss rate DOUBLED (4.2% to 9.8%) but had little impact on the overall number of fetuses.

This is how this information is hidden. That single slide should have been enough to prompt much more investigation, because it showed fewer fetuses in EVERY GROUP

But this is a DIFFERENT paper than the one Viki Male was (falsely) claiming to show a lack of effect on the fetus.

That paper was by Swingle at Uni Pennsylvania, here it is. Note one of the authors is Drew Weissman


The one with the fetal losses slide is a preprint by Rachel Young at the Dept of biomedical engineering (πŸ€”) at Glassboro, NJ.

Yet also features Drew Weissman.

No toxicity huh?


Gotta say this looks like just a little bit of toxicity to me.

Now, think about this. If you lose the fetus prior to implantation due to drug toxicity, are you going to see that drug in the fetus?

Especially if you decide not to analyse the non-viable ones.

So you exclude the lost fetuses due to drug toxicity and then produce a plate in your study that shows that the fetuses that managed to avoid toxicity were the ones with the lowest drug transfer.

Giving you Viki's famous "the fetuses didn't glow" claim

And just for good measure, these two supposedly separate groups working on a separate paper have the same techniques and very similar looking plates.

What are the odds?

And remember when they told you "it stays in the arm" and denied it goes to the ovary?

You tell me whether they lied.
Look at the signal in the ovaries on A4 and B5.

Glowing. Hot.

And if you thought that was dramatic, wait till you see the uterus.

This is what a mouse uterus looks like. Like a lucky horsehoe.

Look at the signal in A4 and B5.

Lucky it doesn't get to the fetus eh?

So I'm not saying that the "non-glowing fetuses" are fake, but I'd like to see the original slides.

Especially now that we just found out that the peer review process in these papers appears to be a little "mates club" of pharma advocates.

And the inclusion of Drew Weissman (and Mohamad Alameh) in both those supposedly unrelated papers... Just a coincidence


So I'll finish here. It does seem that #PlacentaGate may be the tip of the iceberg in relation to the $cience around the safety of COVID vaccines in pregnancy.

There will be more, of that I'm sure.

@chrismartenson @MarchandSurgery @RWMaloneMD @MaryanneDemasi @sonia_elijah

NB: The LNPs referenced in these papers may be different from those in the mRNA COVID vaccines (we may never know), but they are all related compounds and designed for transfection of miRNA and mRNA.

There is no reason to believe that the COVID LNP are biorxiv.org/content/10.110…… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…



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