Laura Burkhardt Profile picture
She/her • Missouri @momsdemand volunteer • Survivor • Text READY to 644-33 • Opinions my own • Ranked 5th worst problem in MO by Moms 4 Liberty•

Mar 20, 2023, 6 tweets

As #MoLeg returns from spring break and have vowed to undermine doctors & parents by banning gender-affirming care, I can’t stop thinking about this. MO state rep Justin Sparks is sponsoring #HB540, which bans trans healthcare. Listen to what he said at his church recently.…

There’s been a lot of discussion surrounding the timing of the whistleblower complaint and these anti-trans bills “coincidentally” getting a hearing at the same time.

Listen again. Rep. Sparks calls it “divine” and says “the lord placed the bill in his lap. #MoLeg…

As Rep Justin Sparks bans healthcare from those he deems unworthy, he states that he’s completely unqualified for this job.

“I’m not qualified to do this job. I’m not smart enough. I’m not skilled enough…”

So you’re never going to guess who directs his decisions… Yep, God.

This is what religious extremism looks like. This is what we’re up against. If you haven’t been vocal yet, now’s the time. They’re telling us what they’re going to do. We all need to take them seriously.

More info on Rep Sparks church, Grace Church. #MoLeg

Sermon from Grace Church just days before the January 6 insurrection.…

Feel free to email or call Representative Sparks to educate him on gender-affirming care. It’s his first year and he seems a little lost.

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