As #MoLeg returns from spring break and have vowed to undermine doctors & parents by banning gender-affirming care, I can’t stop thinking about this. MO state rep Justin Sparks is sponsoring #HB540, which bans trans healthcare. Listen to what he said at his church recently.…
There’s been a lot of discussion surrounding the timing of the whistleblower complaint and these anti-trans bills “coincidentally” getting a hearing at the same time.
As Rep Justin Sparks bans healthcare from those he deems unworthy, he states that he’s completely unqualified for this job.
“I’m not qualified to do this job. I’m not smart enough. I’m not skilled enough…”
So you’re never going to guess who directs his decisions… Yep, God.
This is what religious extremism looks like. This is what we’re up against. If you haven’t been vocal yet, now’s the time. They’re telling us what they’re going to do. We all need to take them seriously.
More info on Rep Sparks church, Grace Church. #MoLeg
🧵When Dobbs was announced, Missouri was the 1st state to ban all abortions. Politicians tell us there’s an exception for the life of the mother, but that’s just fluff. Women are dying b/c that exception was never defined. Listen to Gov Parson when asked for clarification. #MoLeg
These “exceptions for life of the mother” are useless. In an emergency, doctors aren’t able to automatically act in the patient’s best interest. They’re threatened w/ loss of job & jail time.
Parson even stated that this should be decided by doctors, yet it remains unclear.
MO’s abortion ban reads:
“No abortion shall be performed or induced upon a woman, except in cases of medical emergency.”
Medical emergency?
It’s “based on reasonable medical judgment.”
Reasonable medical judgment?
“Made by a reasonably prudent physician.”
🧵Coalition Life, an anti-abortion fake clinic that uses intimidation & deception to stop women from entering abortion clinics, receives tax credits every year. Last year those credits cost Missouri taxpayers $11.2 million. And they’re not even operating out of MO.
Coalition Life had $800K in revenue in 2019, when MO Republicans expanded the tax credit; by 2022, that amount had more than doubled, to $1.7M.
The group recently bought radio ads claiming MO’s abortion petition would permit late-term and partial-birth abortions.
Using MO taxpayer dollars, the organization deploys paid workers outside clinics in Fairview Heights, IL, the Chicago area, southern Illinois & Kansas to harass patients.
Coalition Life’s founder has said he wants the group to expand into other states where abortion is legal.
Lizzie Sparks, co-host of the far right talk radio show “Cancel This” filed a false police report. She hotlined a substitute teacher, claiming he sexually assaulted her daughter. Problem is, her daughter didn’t even attend that high school.
The substitute teacher who the false claims were made against was running against Lizzie Sparks’ son-in-law, Justin Hicks (R) in the primary for state representative in Missouri HD 108 (St. Charles). Hicks was the incumbent. In March, Justin Hicks switched to a Congressional run.
But it’s okay, Lizzie Sparks is a good Christian…
Her radio show spews hate every minute they’re on the air. Her co-host is Vic Faust, who was fired from Fox 2 News after repeatedly berating his former radio show co-host Crystal Cooper, using repulsive sexist language.
🧵3 days ago, Rick Brattin, a sitting republican Missouri State Senator held a full Christian worship service in his official Senate office.
Not his campaign office. Not a church. Not his home. In the Senate office he temporarily occupies in OUR HOUSE. THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE.#MoLeg
The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent Brattin a cease and desist over his unconstitutional prayer service. The letter cites the Establishment Clause, Missouri Constitution, and several court rulings.
The @FFRF has had to get involved in MO law countless times. I’m thankful.
Anyone who follows Missouri politics (or any red state politics I’d assume) already knows what Senator Brattin’s very adult response on his Senate letterhead might be.
The Senator’s response to violating his oath to uphold the constitution is “pound sand.” He’s unfit to serve.
🧵Ascension Catholic Church in Chesterfield, Missouri is actively recruiting young men, ages 18-29, to join their newly-formed militia.
Chesterfield has a violent crime rate of 0.71 per 1,000 residents, compared to 4 nationally and 4.88 in MO. @MomsDemand @Everytown
The purpose of this militia is to “protect the Church from violent and non-violent attacks but also bring young men back to the Faith.”
52 Archdiocese of St. Louis parishes have closed in the last 10 years, 48 of which closed in 2023. Soldier cosplay won’t fix that.
This is only the beginning and they hope to spread their armed religious extremism across the world.
“Ascension Parish in Chesterfield, MO has been chosen as the testing ground for the militia and, if successful, we hope to establish platoons at parishes around the world.”
🧵A few days ago, a video was shared of a horrific assault of a white girl (Kaylee Gain) by a black girl near her HS. Missouri Republicans dug in-blaming the tragedy on the school’s DEI efforts, pushing their school choice agenda, and claiming heartache & sympathy for the victim.
Yesterday afternoon a 14-year-old black boy named Justin Brooks was stabbed & died 1 block from his middle school while walking home. Nothing but silence from these republicans. This is why I will never believe their “condolences” or ability to care. ONLY if it fits their agenda.
You care about all kids or you care about no kids. We have politicians who only feign interest in horrific events if the victim is white & they were hurt by an undocumented immigrant, or a black man, or a black high school student. Every tragedy should push us to change.