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Solar PV, climate policy, bamboo analysis/consulting. Language, systems. Fletcher/Fulbright. d|e|f|i|中 围棋

Mar 23, 2023, 7 tweets

1. Otto Wels 23/3/1933

1933 ended German democracy. Our choice: let (1) "Live with SARS" policy remove democracy; or (2) "Live without SARS" through international cooperation, restoring a liberal IS.

Wels, SPD chairman 1919-1939, succeeded Friedrich Ebert (🙋‍♂️@FESonline alumnus)

@FESonline 2. "How can SARS end democracy?"

Welcome to reality. This is no game. As @RealCheckMarker says, life expectancy is lagged. Policy will change thanks to our work, but IF it doesn't, LE will fall below 65 years. Read AIDS history/medicine, a close analogue.

@FESonline @RealCheckMarker 3. If the data is correct: How did SA life expectancy fall 4 yrs in two yrs, and faster than at the height of the AIDS epidemic? Only 1995-2012 levels were lower.

Feel free to share your knowledge, everyone. It's no spectator sport, and twitter's purpose.

@FESonline @RealCheckMarker 4. I share this graph to help westerners imagine how fast their children's life expectancy will drop in "Living with COVID" world. You can't repeatedly infect them with SARS-CoV and expect long lives.

#LongCovid and HIV share chronic systemic immune activation, i.e. lymphopenia.

@FESonline @RealCheckMarker @pauladepoju 5. Good question. Does LE of 65 years mean 'mass death'? I'm no teacher, but quick note so people can read deeper. (1) Period life expectancy is a picture of the population you shoot at one moment in time. (2) Intro and stata code:…

@FESonline @RealCheckMarker @pauladepoju 6. Here the big question. This thread is from 2020, no replies or active work on solutions since. After the Omicron era 2021-2022 now starts the XBB era, soon to be named Pi era. I'm told it will last from 2023-3.141592, until we end it, just as SARS 2003.

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