Shayne Longpre Profile picture
Lead the Data Provenance Initiative. PhD @MIT. 🇨🇦 Prev: @Google Brain, Apple, Stanford. Interests: AI/ML/NLP, Data-centric AI, transparency & societal impact

Mar 28, 2023, 7 tweets

What dates📅 can @OpenAI, @AnthropicAI, @CohereAI models reliably answer questions for?🔭

I binary-search through "future" Wiki events to find out. Results ❌🟰❌documentation:

#GPT4 ➡️~Dec 19 ('21)
#ChatGPT ➡️~Oct 24
Claude v1.2➡️~Oct 10
Cohere XL Nightly➡️~Apr 24 ('22)


GPT4 says it is trained up to Sept 2021.

I found it correctly answers unknowable events in Oct, Nov, and even Dec 11th & 19th.

In late Dec it begins to abstain.


Interestingly, GPT 3.5 "Default" answers correctly only until ~Oct 24, 2021, but GPT 3.5 "Legacy" answers correctly until ~Oct 31, 2021 then begins hallucinating false answers or abstaining in Nov.

Perhaps this is due to finetuning rather than pretraining data?


@AnthropicAI's Claude v1.2 model correctly answers questions July 11, Aug 12, Sept 26, Oct 10 but abstains at Oct 9 & Nov 2.

➡️The trick with Claude is to ask it about an event without telling it the date (see examples).


@CohereAI's Command XL Nightly provides the most recent correct answers of the 3 models! 🌟

✅It correctly answers Qs in March 9 & April 24, 2022 but hallucinates May onwards.

❌It does not seem to abstain from answering future info it doesn't know, like the others.


#Wikipedia yearly event pages are an awesome resource for this: e.g.

I found national election results and sports tournaments the most reliable: they are sufficiently high profile, and (usually) unpredictable.


Thanks to @natfriedman’s tool for making this analysis possible!

Please feel free to leave thoughts/comments!


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