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ਇਸ਼ਕ ਪੰਜਾਬ Ishq PanJab

Apr 2, 2023, 7 tweets


#Tomb of #UstadSyadKhan

close to Tomb of Shagird and
Tomb of Mir-I-Miran in
#FatehgarhSahib #Sirhind #Punjab

It is a historical buildings built in memory of him.He was a great architect and builder of that period.

#PunjabTourism #Tourism #Heritage

It has a bulbous dome supported on a circular drum and decorated with petalled design at the base. There are four kiosks at the front. Within the enclosed walls, there are three graves placed in the center beneath the dome.

The structure has been made on a raised platform. Cupola chattirs have been built at the corners. The central dome is surmounted by a small cupola structure. One of the cupola chattris is missing at the corner. It has a pointed arch with niches on either side.

The plinth and the tomb is built up of lakhauri bricks and lime mortar.

Unusually named Ustad-Shagird tombs in Punjab The Economic Times.

Ustad Means Teacher and Shagird means Student
both wete Very Good Architects of this era in C.16th-17th Cent A.D

It has Many old Heritage Buildings around it
Some are Listed Here :
🔆Tomb of Shagird
🔆Tomb of Ustad
🔆Tomb of Mir-I-Miran
🔆Jahaaz Haveli of Diwan Todar Mal Ji
🔆Aam Khas Baag
🔆Gurudwara Fatehgarh Sahib

There are Two more untraced Tombs next to Tomb of Ustad towards City Side

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