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Apr 3, 2023, 14 tweets

#Thread Indus Gadd 1932 Seals found in UR, a Sumerian city in ancient Mesopotamia, at the site of modern Tell el-Muqayyar in south Iraq's
Impressive Professional quality Pic by @britishmuseum. @NationalMissio1 & @ASIGoI should learn from British Museum.


A palm-tree with humped bull (zebu), serpent, scorpion and recumbent human figure at the top in this Dilmun Period seal found in 1930 in UR


Circular stamp-seal of glazed white steatite; engraved with design showing a bull standing over a manger; Indus inscription along the top; top of domed reverse broken.
2500 BC-2000 BC
Babylon (Iraq)


Circular, dark green steatite stamp seal with pierced, centrally grooved lug at top, base engraved with inscription in Indus script above a humped bull facing right; one side badly chipped.


Greenish-grey steatite Dilmun-type stamp seal with creamy glaze; circular with convex top; double hole pierced through top; engraved with design on base divided into quadrants of four seated figures round periphery; section of base broken away.


Black glazed steatite stamp seal; circular; Gulf type and/or Indus Valley style; domed handle at top with groove along centre; hole pierced through at base of handle; design deeply engraved on base of figures and animals; chipped.


Rectangular, green-grey mottled steatite stamp-seal with pierced lug at back; front surface deeply engraved with crude design of bull standing, facing left; single line inscribed line above; Indus style seal with Sumerian inscription.


Fragment of a circular greenish-grey steatite stamp seal; part of an inscription and incised design on base; button boss top.


Circular light grey glazed steatite seal; base engraved with design of a bull facing right, with single-line inscription in Indus script above; roughly conical grooved button boss on top; hole pierced through base of button bosson; broken one side with section missing


Dark grey glazed steatite stamp seal; circular with domed top; Gulf-type; hole pierced through top; design engraved of scorpion and bull on face; complete.


Fragment of a pale brown glazed steatite stamp seal; circular with domed handle at top; hole pierced through base of handle; inscription and illegible design on base; lower and left hand part broken away.


Circular stamp-seal of black steatite, partially covered with a kind of glaze, Dilmun type; with face incised on top; hole pierced through top; geometric or animal design engraved on base.


Circular, light grey steatite stamp-seal; hole pierced through back; Dilmun type; face shows engraved design of two men, each dressed in a long skirt, walking left and clutching a jar between them; left figure grasps a leaping gazelle by the neck.


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