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Concerned Canadian citizen trying to save his country by running as a federal candidate for the People's Party of Canada.

Apr 4, 2023, 8 tweets


From Mar-a-Lago, to Georgia, to New York, @DevinNunes breaks down what's going on in the @DNC…


Devin Nunes breaks the Democratic party into 3 groups.

Nunes: "One of the groups, the old Roosevelt Democrats, that group no longer exists anymore."


Devin Nunes describes the first group as the 'establishment #Marxist #communists'.

Nunes: "The Pelosi wing establishment who just want to use #Marxism to be elected and hold office."


Finally, Devin Nunes gets to the third @georgesoros backed group.

Nunes: "Then you have this Soros, #anarchist wing, that's working to destroy America and take out the Republic, and put in their own system that they think is working."


Devin Nunes then goes into the war going on in the Democrat Party.

Nunes: "You have this war going on between the corrupt Biden Department of Justice and this Soros lunatic DA in #Manhattan."



Devin Nunes describes how the #ManhattanDA tricked the Washington DC Establishment.

Nunes: "They said 'it's Easter. Grand jury's not going to meet anymore'. Because the DC Establishment was calling everyone they knew in #Manhattan to get Bragg to stop."


Devin Nune's predictions for the future of the country.

Nunes: "They're burning the country down. We are in a lawless country right now."

Devine Nunes describing the insane drive to destroy America.

Nunes: "The more people that leave #California and #NewYork to these Red states, they think they're winning. When they see #homelessness on the streets, they think they're winning."


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