Darren Shaw Profile picture
Founder at https://t.co/O85LpcMbvf | Researcher, speaker and writer on local SEO. (He/Him)

Apr 5, 2023, 11 tweets

I tested adding predefined services to my Google Business Profile, and WOW!

You will not believe these ranking results!

This is a 1 minute SEO tweak.

Here's what I did and what you can do too... 🧵

#localseo #seo

🧪 I made sure this SEO test was CLEAN.

🔸 Website not updated in past 6 years, had a 1-sentence homepage, and had no other pages
🔸 No new reviews in 6 years
🔸 No new links
🔸 No updates to GBP

Thus, the ONLY variable in my test were the predefined services.

First, I established the business's baseline rankings by creating a new campaign in the @whitespark Local Rank Tracker to specifically track the keywords from the predefined services.

As you can see, with 5 days of tracking, the business had hardly any rankings for these terms.

On March 13, I added all the predefined services that Google suggested.

I continued checking rankings for the next couple days, but saw no change.

I was starting to get skeptical, because you usually see the impact of GBP changes within 48 hours 🤨

BUT, hold on to your hats...

THIS happened on March 16 🥳

Rankings increased significantly, with lots of terms ranking in positions 4-10 📈 🚀

And the business continues to rank well for these keywords.

The ranking gains from adding predefined services are sticking.

📄 Some observations:

❌ Rankings did not improve for services that were not applicable to the electrician category (i.e. remodelling, general repairs, construction).

✅ Many terms related to the category, however, did quite well (i.e. electrical resistor changing, etc.)

The best gains seemed to come from long-tail terms that do not have much competition.

💡 I bet I could increase these rankings even further by creating a dedicated service page for each of these terms...

TAKE-AWAY: predefined services in your GBP *definitely* impact rankings.

ACTION: go to your GBP right now and add any applicable services that Google suggests.

This way, you'll cast a wider net and rank for more terms in no time (well, in about 3 days).

📣 Big shout out to @JoyanneHawkins for this major discovery. You can read her analysis here:

🍿 If you like videos, watch my full video about this local SEO test here:

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