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ਇਸ਼ਕ ਪੰਜਾਬ Ishq PanJab

Apr 8, 2023, 20 tweets

Fort , Aam Khas Bagh ,
Sirhind Fatehgarh Sahi
#Punjab #Heritage #Tourism #AamKhasBagh

Period- C 17th-18th Cent. A.D

This Royal inn was initially built by Babur extended and planned by Mughal architect Hafiz Rakhna. It was rebuilt by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan along the Mughal military road between Delhi and Lahore, and

The Royal couple used to stay here in the old building complex, while going to and coming back from #Lahore.

Princess Nazar later on married Kartik here. Later on, some additions were made to this monument by Jahangir

It is a single-storey structure based on a rectangular plan. The boundary walls of the fort consist of kangoora battlement. The walls consist of niches with pointed arcaded designs.

There are compartments inside the #fort surrounded by the #gardens with fountains on all four sides. The complex was famous for a perfect air-conditioning system called

The #SheeshMahal of the
Daulat-Khana-e-Khas, the hammam and the tank had unique methods of heating water. The palace compound also had a set of fountains.

Water for the fountains was drawn from a huge well nearby and circulated through underground conduits. A beautiful garden and the Nursery are being maintained.

The building is built of Sirhindi bricks and lime mortar.

During the famous #ShaheediJorMela at #FatehgarhSahib, the light and sound programme regarding the history of #Sirhind and the martyrdom of younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh in the form of Play - Sirhind Di Deewar is shown to the visitors at night in the
Aam Khas Bagh.

Main Entry Gate of Aam Khas Bagh

Aam khas Bag, Sirhind, Fatehgarh Sahib district, #Punjab

ruins of Daulat Khana-E-Khas

Sarai Wing ruins

Main Water Tank Aam Khas Bhag

Hamam External Water Channel

Hamam internal view

1- #Hamam internal underground water tank

2 -View of #well from #saradkhana

1-Water Channels in Aam Bagh #Naugharana
2- Water Channels in Aam Bagh in front of #Sardkhana

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