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Apr 13, 2023, 6 tweets

#MintPrimer | Tamil Nadu has banned online #gambling, rekindling a campaign against #gaming firms in India that has raged for over a year-and-a-half.

Mint explains the controversy:…

#MintPrimer | After much back-and-forth the #TamilNadu Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Ordinance was passed on 10 April.

The bill seeks to prohibit online gambling, its promotion through advertising, and more.

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#MintPrimer | Since India’s constitution says that a Supreme Court ruling becomes law of the land, gaming firms argue that the Tamil Nadu ordinance runs against the constitution.

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#MintPrimer | Online card games didn’t exist when the original SC ruling was passed, and hence a case could be made that it considered offline rummy as a game of skill.

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#MintPrimer | On 7 April, the Centre amended its Information Technology rules to include gaming firms as intermediaries.

These rules give gaming firms the same protection as social media firms under the IT Act.

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#MintPrimer | Tamil Nadu has clarified that only #onlinegambling is banned within its borders, & the ordinance doesn’t apply to all online games.

Gambling firms worry the ordinance may set a precedent for other states, & lead to more bans.

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