Rishi Sunak Profile picture
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 @Conservatives leader. Candidate for Richmond, Yorks (I am no longer an MP).

Apr 14, 2023, 5 tweets

At home and abroad, our focus is on building a better future.

This week ⬇️ 1/5

On Wednesday @POTUS and I reflected on the huge progress made in the 25 years since the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement.

In that time Northern Ireland has become a thriving and dynamic part of the UK, and I know has an even brighter future ahead.


We also launched the #UKIreland2028 Euro bid ⚽️

I’ll never forget the summer of ‘96 and how it brought people together. Hosting Euro 2028 won’t just draw spectators – it will get the next generation lacing up their boots to get out and play 👇 3/5

I spoke to @ZelenskyyUa this morning, discussing accelerating military support to 🇺🇦

We continue to work with our allies to bolster the Ukrainian position.

🇳🇱 are a key partner. I thanked @MinPres for Dutch efforts, including pursuing justice for alleged war crimes. 4/5

And it was also good to speak to Prime Minister @narendramodi, discussing progress towards a Free Trade Agreement and the close cultural ties our nations share 🇬🇧🤝🇮🇳

Happy #Vaisakhi to everyone celebrating both here in the UK and in India today!


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