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Apr 14th 2023
At home and abroad, our focus is on building a better future.

This week ⬇️ 1/5 Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ...
On Wednesday @POTUS and I reflected on the huge progress made in the 25 years since the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement.

In that time Northern Ireland has become a thriving and dynamic part of the UK, and I know has an even brighter future ahead.

2/5 Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ...
We also launched the #UKIreland2028 Euro bid ⚽️

I’ll never forget the summer of ‘96 and how it brought people together. Hosting Euro 2028 won’t just draw spectators – it will get the next generation lacing up their boots to get out and play 👇 3/5
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Mar 29th 2023
#Thread on

#SarbatKhalsa #ਸਰਬੱਤ_ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ

meaning of 👏🏻“Sarbat Khalsa👏🏻
“is (All The Khalsa)
it literally Translates to The entire Sikh Population

The first Sarbat Khalsa was called by the 10th Sikh guru,#GuruGobindSingh before his death in 1708
#Vaisakhi #Punjab
The first Sarbat Khalsa was called by the tenth guru, #GuruGobindSingh before his death in 1708 and the tradition of calling #SarbatKhalsa has continued ever since at times of hardship or conflict.👇
After the demolition of the #MahantSystem by the #Khalsa Panth, S.#KartarSinghJhabbar called the Sarbat Khalsa in 1920.He was not the Jathedar of the #AkalTakht but a #Sikh leader. In the resolution of that Sarbat Khalsa,#TejaSinghBhuchhar was announced as Jathedar of AkalTakht👇
Read 18 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
Here we have a board member of the Hindu American Foundation -- known to promote Hindutva ideology in the US -- employing aa anti-Semitic trope to attack the authors of a recent opinion piece on human rights abuses in India.

Links in the #THREAD
On the anti-Semitism of attacks on Soros and his philanthropic work:…
On Hindu nationalists' use of anti-Semitic ideas, language, and tropes:…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
Happy #Vaisakhi, commemorating the birth of the #Khalsa:

By the advent of Guru Gobind Singh, the masses in the field were flocking to align themselves with this community whose leaders were sacrificing their lives to resist and destroy the power of slave-masters.
After 500 years of Shabad history developed by the Bhagats & the Gurus, formation of the Adi Granth & construction of Harmandir Sahib & Akal Takht, the next stage in the struggle to secure human dignity was to establish national status for the participants in the Sikh Revolution.
Guru Gobind Singh did this by uniting Panth and Granth in a body called the Khalsa (sovereign) which could enrich the world at large.
Read 22 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
It's a NEW MOON tonight.
In next 2 days Hindus across India will celebrate their #NewYear--
#Vaisakhi in North,
#Vishu in Kerala &
#Puthandu in TN.
A very auspicious time of the yr.🙏
In Kerala, day starts with VISHU KANNI-- auspicious items are laid out around Shri Krishna.
Auspicious items include everything YELLOW (be it fruits, Peetambar-Krishna, or new set of clothes), this so bcoz yellow represents PROSPERITY.
An imp item of KANNI is MIRROR which is kept in d center-- reminding us that:
"I alone can change my destiny".
This festival is based on SOLAR calendar though this yr d festival falls right next to a new moon. So it becomes an even more auspicious time to manifest our wishes.
Sun represents our soul, and moon our emotions.


Read 8 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
1/5 #NowIsNotTheTime for having visitors to our homes but that won’t hold Canadians down – nobody can host a better virtual celebration than Canadians on our #StaycationForTheNation. #COVID19 #WeWillGetThroughThis #CavaBienAller
2/5 As we #StayHomeCanada to #PlanktheCurve, let’s pat ourselves on the back because the efforts of all Canadians ARE making a difference. From the daily efforts of healthcare providers who are saving lives…
3/5 To #publichealth and lab professionals who are testing & tracing cases and essential workers who are keeping our hospitals & homes stocked... #COVID19
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
1/6 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: since the first travel-related cases, the epidemic has progressed through the onset of community spread, to outbreaks in long term care facilities, healthcare settings & vulnerable communities. Image
2/6 We knew from other countries’ experiences that this would not be easy, but thanks to the efforts of #publichealth & all Canadians, our health system is coping so far. We need to keep it this way. #COVID19 #PlanktheCurve #TeamCanada
3/6 Maintaining our collective resolve to #PlanktheCurve will be a challenge as the weather warms and holidays, including #Easter #Passover #Vaisakhi and #Ramadan, are upon us. #COVID19 #TogetherApart
Read 6 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
1/5 These are unprecedented times & this is NOT SPRING AS USUAL, so I am reiterating my #COVID19 Spring Checklist to #SlowtheSpread #PlanktheCurve. This is a crucial time, we must stay the course & prevent further #COVID19 in 🇨🇦.
2/5 #Snowbirds, #MarchBreak & other travellers coming into 🇨🇦, mandatory quarantine is now in place.

A)You are REQUIRED you to go straight home & QUARANTINE yourself for 14 days. #COVID19
3/5 B) DO NOT stop along the way. Make arrangements ahead (by phone, online, family/friends/community) to have groceries & essentials delivered. #SlowtheSpread #Snowbirds, #MarchBreak #StayHome #StayInsideYourBubble
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