Sergej Sumlenny, LL.M Profile picture
Founder of Have raised €1,5 million for Ukraine: Everything for 🇺🇦's victory.

Apr 17, 2023, 7 tweets

In 2018, I visited Bakhmut, bought some soda from this decommissioned German DHL delivery truck re-used as a mobile shop, and got a digital award for staying in “Hotel Bakhmut” in the city center. Now the city does not exist anymore because of the Russian terror.

There was a stadium behind the hotel - I tried to make my jogging exercise there, but it was extremely hot at noon in July, and I gave up after 3 km (instead of planned 10). Neither the hotel nor the stadium exist anymore.

Next day, we went to Mayorske checkpoint about 40 km from Bakhmut - the last Ukraine-controlled position before the Russia-occupied territory. People could cross the contact line there. Of course on the days when the Russians did not shell the checkpoint (they did it regularly).

The way to the checkpoint and back was quite depressing. But it was nothing compared to 2023.

There were signs warning about landlines everywhere. Street signs were pierced by the Russian bullets - as the Russians shot at “Kharkiv” name after they realized they will not get the city. Now there is much more mines and UXOs, and Kharkiv ist still free. #RussiaUkraineWar

On that 3,500-km trip around Ukraine we also visited Mariupol, including the Illicha steel plant (the older one, out of two: Illicha and AzovStal).

I jogged in Mariupol too, up to AzovStal steel plant from my hotel Reikartz (the pic). Neither the plant nor the hotel exist anymore. Where you see “8” at my map, it was the theater which the Russians bombed killing hundreds of civilians #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaisATerroristState

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