Helen Branswell 🇨🇦 Profile picture
I cover infectious diseases @statnews. 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. #H5N1 #birdflu #Covid #polio #flu, #RSV. Me on Signal: HBranswell.01

Apr 19, 2023, 13 tweets

1. #ACIP is meeting today to discuss the changes to the #Covid vaccination schedule announced yesterday by @US_FDA. statnews.com/2023/04/18/fda…
I will live-tweet, though don't expect a flurry of tweets.
No votes today. @CDCDirector is expected to approve the changes later today.

2. @CDCgov's Georgina Peacock just told #ACIP that when the national public health emergency ends in May, there will be some loss of capacity to get #Covid data from the states. CDC is trying to sign extensions to data-sharing agreements with states, but expects some won't sign.

3. @CDCgov's Tom Shimabukuro, who leads efforts to study #Covid vaccine safety, is updating on the question of whether there was an increased risk of stroke among people 65 & older who got the Pfizer bivalent booster last fall. The data to date suggest not. #ACIP

4. @CDCgov's Ruth Link-Gelles up now on #Covid vaccine effectiveness. Among kids, it's hard to come up with good estimates because 1. vax rates in kids are low, 2. vaxed kids & unvaxed kids could be significantly different, 3. high rates of infections could make the VE look lower

5. We hear so much about waning of protection of the mRNA #Covid vaccines, but this is some good news. People who had 2-4 doses of monovalent Covid vaccine (mRNAs) but no bivalent still have pretty good protection against the worse outcomes of Covid infection. #ACIP

6. The goal of the changes to #Covid vaccination policies @US_FDA announced yesterday is to simplify the schedule — something that's badly needed. But these changes are only a start, @CDCgov's Sara Oliver tells #ACIP. Think of it as a journey, she said.

7. How badly needed is simplification of the #Covid vaccination schedule? This slide says it all.
This will make things MUCH simpler for pharmacies & doctors' offices where Covid vaccines are given. Reduces risk of vaccination errors. #ACIP

8. This cool slide is a snapshot of types of immunity in the population. Thing to note: The portion of the population with hybrid immunity (blue) is rising and the percentage of the population with no immunity (green) is shrinking. #ACIP

9. There's a lot of #Covid vaccine fatigue; that's clear in the low rate of uptake of the bivalent booster. (only 42.6% of seniors have received one)
But there is a population of people who really, really want access to additional doses. #ACIP

10. The new #Covid vaccination schedule also attempts to simplify how many doses children under 4 should get. But the situation isn't currently simple, hence this schematic that tries to talk parents through what they should know for their children.

11. Here's the slightly simpler schematic for vaccination of 5 year olds. #Covid #ACID

12. Tons of confusion among #ACIP committee members re: the new recommendations around how many doses of #Covid vaccine young children should get, and confusion and concern around the options for young children who are immunocompromised.

13. #ACIP is now adjourned.
General takeaway: The simplified recommendations for young kids need a lot more work.
There's a fair amount of interest in offering pregnant people access to a booster during pregnancy.

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