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Apr 19th 2023
1. #ACIP is meeting today to discuss the changes to the #Covid vaccination schedule announced yesterday by @US_FDA.…
I will live-tweet, though don't expect a flurry of tweets.
No votes today. @CDCDirector is expected to approve the changes later today.
2. @CDCgov's Georgina Peacock just told #ACIP that when the national public health emergency ends in May, there will be some loss of capacity to get #Covid data from the states. CDC is trying to sign extensions to data-sharing agreements with states, but expects some won't sign.
3. @CDCgov's Tom Shimabukuro, who leads efforts to study #Covid vaccine safety, is updating on the question of whether there was an increased risk of stroke among people 65 & older who got the Pfizer bivalent booster last fall. The data to date suggest not. #ACIP Image
Read 13 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
cool was my job 10 years ago.
#nosql? we used the largest transactional database on planet: @objectivitydb CAP: #ACID or #BASE ? BOTH!
#Java? #Microservices, SaaS, PaaS, for German and European EDIfact, FTAM, ATLAS,#NCTS, #AES,... Toll/ Duane before #RodJohnson, #GavinKing...
... invented @springframework and #ORM and #EricEvans #DDD ... new names for the same Things?
No! #DevOps are more than just #SysAdmins who develop with a script language hopefully #python and
... and #PlatformEngineers are more than magic PowerPoint2Java Compiler or SoftwareDevs who are Application Managers for a handfull hours per week or the 2nd Level Firepissung Support Unit.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
1/4 "Using #PEPMatch, a newly developed #bioinformatics package which predicts #peptide similarity within specific #amino #acid mismatching parameters consistent with published #MHC binding capacity,..."…
2/4 "... we discovered that #nucleocapsid #protein shares significant overlap with 22 #multiple #sclerosis (#MS)-associated proteins, including #myelin #proteolipid #protein (#PLP). 

3/4 "Further computational evaluation demonstrated that this #overlap may have #critical #implications for #Tcell responses in #multiple #sclerosis (#MS) patients and is likely unique to #SARSCoV2 among the major #human #coronaviruses."
Read 4 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Yes Chris Lattner is very interesting, been following his #LLVM and #SWIFT work.

@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Actually #ZokuTalk adopts the portion of SWIFT #EBNF for #Unicode as they seems have done good job on that, as well as parts of the EBNF for numerics such as "1_234.00" to expand privative data types entry.

@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Borrowing C & Assembly data types: 0b0011, 0xFF, keeping 16r0A, plus many others.

Actually the numeric formats are one of more complicated part of the #EBNF of #ZokuTalk and the only non-#MOBS (#Messages #Objects #Block #Syntax) part of the evolved syntax.

Read 10 tweets
Jul 24th 2022

One of the most common questions patients ask me👇
Pharm, can I take my Medications with SOFT DRINKS ?

#ANSWER : It's NOT advisable to take your medications with Soft drinks UNLESS recommended by your Pharmacist.

( 1.) Soft drinks are Carbonated water (carbonic #ACID + water).

- The ACID can render the drug "in or Less active" leading to sub-optimal clinical outcome.

- Soft drinks doesn't REALLY cause Ulcer but for can cause some ERODING effects on Ulcer patients & those with history
of Ulcer due to the Phosphoric acid & Carbonic acids present.

The ACID can also worsen the symptoms of Ulcer (such as bloating, stomach fullness, stomach irritation).

Taking Such Drinks with AntiUlcer medications can make such drugs abit less effective.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
Bumping up old memories.

I wonder what happened in Australia all of a sudden, that flipflop was quite accelerated. John? Ian? @ianfmusgrave? What happened?

Did you guys run out of mafia slang?…
"One, Two, @dnatured's Coming For You

Three, Four, Better Lock Your Door

Five, Six, Grab A Crucifix

Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again" ImageImageImage
Backflash101: #MackayMafia lobbying for Olfert Landt's shitty Charité/Corman Drosten primers in 🇦🇺.…

Present: "Great Narrative" Story-Twist?

"Muuuh ref. panel"

"Muuh Omicron"?
Read 17 tweets
Nov 25th 2020
A Yale study of 10 patients found 1 dose of #psilocybin can cut #migraine frequency in half for 2 weeks. Each patient did 1 session with placebo, 1 with the drug. People who felt most high got the least migraine relief. /thread…
The Yale researchers who conducted the small, but 1st of its kind study suggest #migraine patients might benefit from microdoses or sub-hallucinogenic doses of #psilocybin. Understanding how psilocybin prevents migraine might open new pathways for drug development, as well.
I did 2 #migraine clinical trials. I'm glad someone else took this one for the team. I hated Methysergide (Sansert), now discontinued, which was synthesized from lysergic #acid. A 1965 study said Sansert users experienced a "confused feeling of unreality." Tell me about it.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 24th 2020

One of the most common questions patients ask me 👇
"Pharm, can I take my Medications with SOFT DRINKS ?"

#ANSWER : it's NOT advisable to take your medications with Soft drinks UNLESS recommended by your Pharmacist.


A Thread Image
( 1.) Soft drinks are Carbonated water (carbonic #ACID + water).

- The ACID can render the drug "in or Less active" leading to sub-optimal clinical outcome.

- Soft drinks doesn't REALLY cause Ulcer but for can cause some ERODING effects on Ulcer patients & those with history
of Ulcer due to the Phosphoric acid & Carbonic acids present.

The ACID can also worsen the symptoms of Ulcer (such as bloating, stomach fullness, stomach irritation).

Taking Such Drinks with AntiUlcer medications can make such drugs abit less effective.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 8th 2020
Haven't seen #Chhapaak. But hope it highlights KEY issues of #acid violence in India:
1) No control on its sale & distribution.
2) It's cheap & available everywhere.
3) Police often don't take action.
4) Hospitals refuse victims.
5) No medical or monetary compensation for victims
2/ The aim of this THREAD is to urge #DeepikaPadukone who is the star & also the producer of the film #Chhapaak, to ensure that the acid attack survivor #LaxmiAgarwal, on whose life the film is based, ensures Laxmi gets a profit & royalty based dividend in the film. She needs it.
3/ Acid survivor #LaxmiAgarwal on whose life Film #Chhappak is based on, lives in desperate poverty. In Sept 2018, she was on the verge of being evicted from her room with her baby. She had only Rs5000/- and does not get paid for any show she's invited to.…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 16th 2019
Bir yazılım geliştiricinin bilmesi gerekenlerle ilgili 15 maddelik flood geliyor.. Mümkün olduğunca fazla keywordü bir araya toplamaya çalıştım.
Hadi Başlıyoruz!

#Developer #Software #Java #code #kod #yazılım #development #computer #bilgisayar #tool #PC #IT #web #tech #data
1-Temel veri yapıları (linkedList, map, tree vb) ve temel algoritmalar (sıralama, arama vb)

Sıfırdan kodlama ihtiyacınız büyük ihtimalle hiç olmayacak. Ancak ihtiyaç anında doğru yerde doğrusunu seçebilmek için o veri yapısının veya algoritmanın nasıl çalıştığını bilmeniz şart
2- Network Temelleri

OSI Modelini ve 7 katmanı; temel protokolleri(#TCP-IP, TCP-UDP, #HTTP, #FTP), güvenlik protokollerini(#HTTPS, #SFTP, #SSL), monitoring protokolleri(#SNMP, ICMP) bilmekte fayda var. Ayrıca ağ ekipmanlarının görevlerini tanımak ve 7Layer yerlerini bilmek lazım
Read 16 tweets

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