Peyman Askari Profile picture
Concerned Canadian citizen trying to save his country by running as a federal candidate for the People's Party of Canada.

Apr 19, 2023, 25 tweets


This topical article goes through the liberties stripped of the Americans in the last few generations, and accelerated in the last 3 years.…



The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @POTUS44, @HillaryClinton, and the @FBI interfering with the 2016 election.


The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @BarackObama authorizing the IRS under @LoisLernerIRS to target conservative not for profits such as the Tea Party Movement.


The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @POTUS authorizing the @DOJPH to go after parents opposing CRT and inappropriate sexual content for their children at local school board meetings.


The author points out how the first amendment, loosely speaking 'free speech', is being labeled as 'hate'. This is happening in Canada as well under @JustinTrudeau.


The author points out how the second amendment, loosely speaking 'gun rights', is being eroded but with no public outcry. This, again is happening in Canada under @JustinTrudeau.

But it has been going on for decades in the US

Bill Cooper on gun laws:


The author points out how there are currently political prisoners in America. He then asks how the US can lecture others, for example the Islamic Republic of Iran, when it is doing the same things at home.


The author points out that the US has declared war on its citizens. This is evident from the fact that its citizens are rallying around the rule of law 'red' states to challenge the federal government.

The federal government, in turn, is leveraging the corrupt 'blue' states.


The author cites the abandonment of the preservation of inalienable rights as the prime reason for this collapse. Essentially, the progressive belief that 'rights' are merely 'permissions'.

This is happening in Canada as well (ie. @JustinTrudeau freezing bank accounts).


The author correctly identifies that power has slowly been transferred from sovereign citizens to a centralized state, and that this has been going on for at least 100 years.


The author points out that governments never willingly give up any power gained.


The author points out that the surveillance of citizens by the state amounts to a violation of the 4A prohibition of warrantless searches, but that the state will never admit this.


The author points out that government regulations amount to a theft of private property, but that the state will never admit to this also.


Although I agree with the author in that only the people can wrestle power away from this massive bloated state, I believe he is overlooking the apathy of the general population.

This is something @PardyBruce recently alluded to:…


The author paints a spectrum from individual liberty to state control. This is what #AmericaFirst #Republicans mean when they say 'right' versus 'left' and it is what liberals are alluding to when they say 'it is no longer about left vs right'.


The author basically takes a swipe at the entire #Globalist movement by pointing out that everything from national borders to individual rights are evaporating.


The author describes the #Globalist agenda as a war on individual liberties. A war on free speech rights and a war on private property rights. Essentially, it is a war on our very foundations.


The author charges the US as being not a free country but rather an 'eavesdropping system'.


The author then proceeds to brilliantly point out a few 'flashpoints' in the last few years.

First, #COVID19 allowed the state to expand surveillance and regulations.


Second, the author points out how the 'rules based order' resulted in the sanctions against Russia.

Side note, people like @RobertKennedyJr or @mises say that this 'order' was rapidly accelerated after 9/11.


Third, the author makes reference to the act of terrorism carried out against the Nordstream II Pipeline.


Fourth & fifth, the author mentions relations with China and the @wef's green agenda. However, in my opinion, these are either mischaracterized, or not as critical.


Sixth, the author points out the precariousness of the US dollar, and the near collapse of its prime reserve currency status.


The author makes the interesting observation that this is either intentional acts to increase government power while weakening individual liberties, or they are merely unfortunate consequences of those acts. In other words, either a managed decline, or incompetence.


I believe what is being described here is what is commonly referred to as 'fifth generation warfare'.

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